What if pregnant women get motion sickness?

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It has been found that pregnant women are more prone to motion sickness. They feel nauseous and vomit when they move. Some women only experience this during pregnancy. In others, motion sickness is present before pregnancy and increases during pregnancy.

1. Causes of motion sickness during pregnancy

Motion sickness often occurs when you travel long distances. This can increase during pregnancy due to one of the following reasons:
When the car moves continuously at a relatively slow speed, it will upset the balance inside your ears causing motion sickness. After eating a full meal. You feel heavy and nauseous from the constant movement. The air around you is stuffy or full of smoke. When the brain receives the wrong signals. This is mainly due to an inconsistency between the expected motion and the actual motion sensed by the balancer. When two neurotransmitters are inactive.

2. Symptoms of motion sickness in pregnant women

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The symptoms of motion sickness depend on the degree of motion. Some common symptoms include:
Mild headache, you may feel slightly uncomfortable and nauseated. Fatigue, dizziness, and feeling weak are also common. In severe cases, you may feel extremely anxious, have increased salivation, sweat a lot, be nauseous or pale, and start vomiting. You may become dehydrated if you vomit continuously. Symptoms of motion sickness go away after stopping movement, but in some cases it can take up to three days to go away completely.

3. Does motion sickness affect the baby during pregnancy?

If vomiting during pregnancy is to the extent that the pregnant woman can still eat and drink even if she has a slight weight loss, and can still walk and carry out daily activities, the pregnant mother only needs to rest reasonably and not affect the fetus.
If excessive vomiting disrupts electrolytes and interferes with daily activities, medical intervention is required. When tired and vomiting due to traveling by car, pregnant women should consider which trips are necessary.

4. What to do when motion sickness?

Bổ sung Vitamin B6 sẽ giúp giảm say tàu xe do mang thai
What to do with motion sickness while pregnant? Motion sickness can be treated with medication or natural methods. Treatment includes:
Take Diphenhydramine or Dimenhydrinate as an antihistamine 30 minutes before the trip. These drugs are available in all pharmacies without a prescription. If you are planning a long trip, take medicines such as Scopolamine or Meclizine which have long-acting and prevent motion sickness. car. Scopolamine patches should be taken 12 hours before travel. Vitamin B6 supplements will help reduce motion sickness caused by pregnancy. To date, there are no studies that prove that taking motion sickness pills during pregnancy can have an effect bad for the unborn baby. However, all medications used during pregnancy must be carefully considered, especially during the first trimester.
Other measures to avoid motion sickness People with motion sickness should sit in the front seat of the car, behind the wing of the plane or in the center of the boat when traveling, or pregnant women often use motion sickness patches quite effective. Mothers can even wear special bracelets called acupressure bracelets to avoid this discomfort.
If you have unusual symptoms, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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