Baby doesn't eat vegetables, what should mom do?

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Green vegetables contribute to providing energy for children, fighting chronic diseases later on. Most children are lazy to eat vegetables because they do not like the bitter or sour taste of vegetables. The best way to help children eat more vegetables is for parents to eat vegetables and set a good example for their children.

1. How important is it for children to eat vegetables?

Vegetables are a type of food that provides energy, a variety of vitamins, rich in fiber and lots of water. They help protect your child against chronic conditions that may arise later in life, including heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Therefore, a diet rich in vegetables and a variety of foods from other major food groups is very good for children's health.
Pediatric nutritionists have recommended that children of each age eat the following amount of vegetables per day:
1-2 years old should have 2 servings of vegetables per day; 2-3 years old should have 2 to 3 servings of vegetables per day; 4-8 years old should have enough vegetables in each meal. If your child is not eating enough vegetables, it is important for parents to continue to encourage them. If parents help children develop healthy eating habits now with a variety of green vegetables, children will establish sustainable habits for later life.

2. So why are children lazy to eat vegetables?

Here are some explanations about the baby not eating vegetables :
Fear of food: Green vegetables are very diverse. Babies who don't eat vegetables are often due to fear of new or unknown foods, also known as agoraphobia, a natural behavior commonly seen in toddlers and this behavior peaks when children are 2 to 5 years old. 6 year old. Moreover, at this age, children are gradually taking initiative in their independence in choosing food according to their own taste. Therefore, the combination of these two factors often leads to a "fight" during dinner time between parents and children. Unmistakable taste: One reason why children don't eat vegetables is most likely because the taste of vegetables is very bitter. The basis of the bitter taste in vegetables is due to the elemental calcium composition and natural phytonutrients. Phytonutrients is an umbrella term to refer to phenols and polyphenols of plant origin, flavonoids, isoflavones, terpenes and glucosinolates as well as self-protective chemical constituents of plants. The importance of phytonutrients and its benefits also has implications for human health. Get used to it: As mentioned, people often have an innate aversion to sour and bitter foods, so why is it that when people grow up, people still eat and enjoy broccoli and kale? , lemons, oranges and the like? Is this because human taste buds have changed during development? The answer is no. That's because as time goes on, people have grown to like these sour and bitter foods. It is true that it will be difficult to eat a vegetable the first time, especially if it is not a pleasant taste. But if exposed many times, the taste will get used to it. Babies do not eat vegetables often for the above reasons. As a result, children will usually need at least 10 to 15 exposures (repeatedly) to a new food before actually accepting it.
Bé không ăn rau
Bé không ăn rau thường là do sợ thức ăn mới hoặc chưa biết rõ

3. Baby doesn't eat vegetables, what should mom do?

3.1. Parents need to set an example when children are lazy to eat vegetables Children will learn about food choices from parents. Therefore, the best way to encourage children to eat vegetables is to let them see their parents choose their own menu of vegetables and enjoy a delicious variety.
Because family meals are a good time to teach kids about healthy eating, including vegetables. Common household dishes like stir-fries, soups, curries, grilled meats and pasta all taste great with more vegetables. A bowl of fresh salad on the side is also a quick and delicious option for a snack.
If children see their parents and siblings filling their plate with green vegetables to enjoy, they may want to do the same.
3.2. Patiently Introduce Vegetables to Children It is normal for children not to like certain vegetables when they first taste them. As such, if your child doesn't like a particular vegetable, try offering him a small amount of that vegetable along with another healthy food he enjoys. Also, encourage your child to try and taste different types of vegetables.
After many repetitions, children may change their opinion about vegetables. Some children need to try a new food 10 times before they accept it and 10 more times before they decide to like it.
3.3. Use praise when children try vegetables If parents praise children every time they eat or try vegetables, children will be more likely to eat vegetables again. Praise works best when parents tell their children exactly what they did well. However, it should be remembered that the goal is to encourage children to eat vegetables because they themselves like them, not because they want their parents to praise and receive rewards.
On the contrary, punishment or scolding if the child does not eat vegetables can turn vegetables into a negative dish for the child. So, if the child is lazy to eat vegetables at this meal, do not scold or hit the child, but try again another time.
3.4. Creating conditions for children to participate in cooking with vegetables When children are involved in their parents' cooking, from the step of choosing foods to prepare and preparing family dishes with green vegetables, children will feel enjoy the fruits of their labor more.
For example, a parent could let their child:
Pick vegetables for meals while shopping Put prepared vegetables in a pot or pan for cooking Arrange bell peppers, tomatoes and sliced ​​mushrooms on a pizza base Wash and grate the lettuce leaves. Older children can help with chopping or chopping vegetables when parents feel they can safely handle sharper kitchen utensils.
bé không ăn rau
Khi bé không ăn rau thì cha mẹ nên tạo điều kiện cho trẻ tham gia nấu ăn với rau

3.5. Choose vegetables as a snack Vegetables can be a wonderful snack. If parents stock up on vegetables for snacks and limit unhealthy snacks in the home, children are more likely to choose vegetables when hungry.
Here are some ways to prepare vegetable snacks:
Keep a box of chopped vegetables, such as cucumbers, carrots or bell peppers, in the refrigerator for your child to eat when they like; Feed older children frozen peas, but be aware that they may pose a choking hazard to younger children; Serve colorful veggie sticks with dips, like natural yogurt, cheese, or wholemeal bread. 3.6. Find a variety of vegetables with many flavors Parents should create conditions for children to learn a variety of vegetables, children will easily find which ones they like. If parents prepare new vegetables with foods that the child likes, the whole focus of the meal is not on the new vegetables, the child will be more receptive.
Remember that taste is important. For example, parents who cook vegetables with delicious ingredients and combinations of spices may be more attractive to children to eat than monotonous steamed vegetables.
In addition, parents can also play games for children to have fun with vegetables, especially with young children. Children may sometimes enjoy helping with simple tasks with vegetables such as picking vegetables, washing or serving them on a plate.
3.7. Regularly include vegetables in children's meals in different ways In the immediate future, parents can "disguise" vegetables in the foods children often like to eat. For example, parents can feed their baby pureed or grated vegetables into pasta sauces or soups.
However, this will not change children's behavior and thinking about vegetables in the long run, so it is important for parents to regularly feed their children vegetables in their original form. When parents do this, children will have the opportunity to identify their favorite type and will actively choose green vegetables for the next meal.
In short, when the baby does not eat vegetables, this will no longer be a challenge for parents if they know the above remedies. Always remember that each child's meal is a new first experience, when regular family meals are full of a variety of vegetables with attractive colors and flavors, the state of children who are lazy to eat vegetables will quickly improve.
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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