Children with anorexia and the role of vitamins

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Anorexia in children is quite common nowadays. To overcome often parents will choose to force their children to eat to ensure the specified amount of food in a child's meal. However, that is not the best way to improve the situation. The article will provide information about the causes of anorexia and how to fix it. At the same time, children with anorexia need to supplement with necessary micronutrients for their development.

1. Some reasons why children are anorexic

1.1. Too much pressure If a child feels pressured to eat or feels that their parents are worrying too much about them during mealtime, they may stop eating and not eat. Toddlers and young children feel pressure, even if they are not directly affected. You should not focus too much on the type and amount of food your child eats at a meal, instead, let the child express his preferences. In addition, with things like: watching the baby's every movement, or constantly removing leftovers from the tray and replacing old food with new food... then you let your child choose according to their preferences. their likes. Because these actions all indirectly cause pressure on children.
See also: Overcoming anorexia in children
1.2. Feeling left out Research shows that children eat better when they help their parents shop, prepare, cook or serve their meals. That's why it's so important to involve children in meal prep, and even letting them mix ingredients or set the table can be helpful in getting them to eat more. And while parents are ultimately responsible for "what" they feed their children, children can feel as though they have no control over what they are being fed if parents don't let them choose what foods to eat. once. They may get bored of what you prepare for them.
1.3. Food is not varied and plentiful I am like any parent and getting stuck in the “food wheel” will make the child feel depressed. Talk to your child and come up with a few new and different snack options together so they don't get bored. This is usually an easy challenge to overcome.
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1.4. Simple foods keep kids from feeling hungry We now know that the tastes of toddlers and children can be unpredictable and erratic at the best of times. After the age of two, growth slows and stabilizes, which means that toddlers are no longer as hungry as they used to be. We've talked about kids who have "hungry days" and "full days" and that could mean that one day your child eats everything on the table and another day, she doesn't eat much at her dinner. me. As long as you maintain your feeding role and are consistent with mealtime boundaries, your child will be in charge of what and how much he or she eats. Maybe your child isn't physically hungry when the meal is served (for whatever reason) and that's okay.

1.5. Too Many External Factors Allowing children to watch TV, watch iPads, or play with toys on the table is a distraction. Screen distractions can work in two ways (both negative in mind). When children are watching a show or playing a game on their iPad while eating, they will focus the most on it, which is their attention on the program they are watching or the game they are playing. When there is no attention left for eating the meal, the child will have no feeling for the food he is eating. And with screens in front, kids can easily undereat or overeat because they're not paying attention. Or for games and toys, the same thing happens.
1.6. Unwell child affects appetite If a child is not feeling well, it is unlikely that he will eat well during a meal. This is often the first sign of an impending illness. In this case, make sure you provide enough water for your child and feed him easily digestible foods such as white rice, bananas, white bread, crackers, popsicles, soups and apple sauce until when the child's appetite returns.
Children may also have digestive problems (such as constipation or acid reflux) that cause discomfort when eating. If you suspect that this is the problem, focus more on whole grains, fruits and vegetables with more fiber and more fluids (constipation), and stay away from highly acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits and spicy foods (acid reflux). If these problems persist, talk to your child's doctor or a pediatric dietitian for more help.
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1.7. Eating too many liquid foods Drinking milk between meals can have a filling effect. Milk contains fat as well as protein which are two nutrients that help children feel full.
1.8. Too many dishes between meals Children often have random meals or snacks throughout the day which can make them feel too full all the time. Here's why it's so important to establish structure around snack time

2. Some measures to overcome anorexia in children

Your child needs encouragement and structure from you when it's time to eat (such as regular meals and healthy options), but not too much. William Sears, a renowned pediatrician and author of 23 books on child care, says that ultimately how much and how much a child eats is up to him. Dr Sears, co-author of the Martha's Family Nutrition Book, says: “Children can eat well one day and barely eat the next day.
Instead of worrying about your child rejecting everything you put in front of him today, consider what he ate during the week. Parents are often surprised to find that their child's food intake is balanced. Something must be energized.
However, you should not be too worried, you should calmly monitor the child's condition: As long as the child is growing and gaining weight appropriately, you can be confident that the child has eaten enough. If you're concerned, see a pediatrician who can track your child's growth through their growth charts.

Some ways to improve the situation :
Offer a variety of healthy food choices and let the child eat on his own. This way, children can exercise a little independence. Don't threaten or haggle with your child. If you want to raise a healthy eater, keep mealtimes positive and don't use sweets as a reward. Dine as a family whenever possible. Because, when kids see you or their sibling eating healthy food, they're more likely to want to follow and use that food. Don't take something off the menu if your child doesn't like it. Babies are slow to pick up new tastes and textures, so find ways to introduce them and give them time to get used to new foods. Your child may surprise you and decide they are his new favorite food. Don't forget to consider drinking. In cases where children drink too much milk or juice can reduce their appetite, so you may want to drink milk between meals and limit juice to no more than 1/2 cup per day. Do not give juice to children younger than 1 year old. Milk and 100% juice can provide important nutrients (though too much juice means too much sugar, and juice lacks the fiber and some of the nutrients found in fruit) . And don't let your child eat sweets and junk food, as their growing bodies need the nutrients provided by a healthy diet, not empty calories.
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Cha mẹ có thể sử dụng sữa thay thế bữa ăn cho trẻ trong thời gian nhất định

3. Vitamin supplement for anorexic children

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that certain daily multivitamins are not usually needed if children eat a variety of foods. But if your child doesn't eat a lot of meat or fish, iron-fortified cereals, or iron-rich dark green vegetables, he or she may need an iron supplement. So children who are lazy to eat should take vitamins or not? Yes, and the best way to know if a daily multivitamin is needed and what vitamins for a fussy eater should be taken is to ask your doctor for advice that's right for your condition. each child.
And whether your doctor recommends a multivitamin or not, your child still needs some extra vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which helps in bone formation. Sunscreen prevents sunlight from synthesizing vitamin D, and it's difficult to get this essential nutrient from milk alone, so doctors recommend giving children 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day. day.
Most multivitamins contain vitamin D. If your doctor recommends a multivitamin, your child usually won't need a vitamin D supplement.
Anorexia is very common in young children and it appears at certain stages of the baby, you should not be too worried. . However, anorexia becomes a concern when it is accompanied by some digestive symptoms or affects the growth chart of the child. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.
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