Choose milk for obese children

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Currently, overweight and obesity in children is increasing. Many parents have cut milk out of their children's diets because of concerns that milk can make babies gain more weight. In fact, there are many types of milk specifically for obese children on the market, which provide enough essential nutrients but do not cause weight gain.

1. Misconceptions about childhood obesity

Milk is considered a nutritious drink for all subjects, especially children, the elderly and the sick. However, because it contains many nutrients, many people are afraid that milk can cause weight gain and cut milk from the daily diet of obese children. This concept is completely wrong. For obese children, it is important to adjust to a low-calorie (calorie) diet, increase exercise to burn excess fat, but still ensure to provide enough nutrients needed for the child's development. especially height. Milk is a nutritious drink, containing many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, selenium, phosphorus,... They are all essential ingredients, supporting the health of the body. the overall growth and development of children. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the World (FAO), drinking milk is the simplest way to help people of different populations meet their calcium, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin B2 and acid requirements. pantotenic of the body. In the United States, milk is considered the number one food source of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium in the diets of adults and children. Therefore, cutting milk from the diet of obese children can lead to deficiency of calcium and essential minerals, thereby affecting the physical and mental development of children.
Many people worry that milk will provide too many calories leading to weight gain. In fact, there is no food with a better content of nutrients to help grow height than milk if calculated per 1,000 kcal supply unit. Just providing 1,000 kcal from milk can provide enough nutrients equivalent to 1,500 - 2,000 kcal of other foods. Therefore, for obese children, milk is a food that must not only be reduced but also increased in the daily diet.
Chọn sữa cho trẻ béo phì
Sữa dành cho trẻ béo phì nên được bổ sung thường xuyên

2. What kind of milk should obese children drink?

Although milk is very necessary for children, but for overweight and obese children, you should not give regular milk to children because the amount of fat and sugar in the milk can make the baby gain more weight. You should choose low-fat, low-sweet, low-calorie milks specifically designed for obese children. These types of milk, although low in calories, still contain all the essential nutrients for your baby's development.
Currently, on the market there are many types of milk specifically for obese children. Parents should consult with experts and nutritionists to choose the most suitable milk for their baby. In addition, the needs and preferences of the baby should be a factor parents can consider for the baby to feel comfortable drinking milk. Especially for obese children under 2 years old, you should exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months. Parents should not give children too much food, the amount of food each meal must be suitable for the baby's age. In particular, avoid high-fat dairy products. Porridge, flour should also choose a low energy level.
In short, for obese children, besides a reasonable diet, parents need to give their children as much exercise as possible to help them expend energy and burn excess fat. In particular, it is necessary to provide an adequate amount of milk suitable for each age to ensure the comprehensive development of the child.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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