Health risks for children with speech delay

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Children who are slow to speak or even can't speak are becoming more and more common. Parents need to closely monitor their child's development and compare it with language development milestones. This will help parents detect children who are slow to speak or do not know how to speak.

1. Normal language development milestones in children

To monitor children's language development and early detect children with speech delay, we need to rely on normal developmental milestones in children such as:
Age 1-2 years: Children's language ability at This age is very diverse, babies can point their index fingers to show their needs, wave goodbye, imitate animal calls and use simple words to express their wishes, they can The copy understands when parents say "no" and some children have started to say the words "three, three", "go out"... Age 2-3 years: At this age the baby has recognized familiar parts of the body, know how to combine nouns and verbs, master the use of double words and say short sentences, the child's memorization ability at this stage reaches about 450 words, the child has tendency to listen to stories over and over again. Children 3 - 4 years old: At this time, the baby can answer 4 basic colors when asked by parents (red - yellow - green - blue), he already knows how to copy circles, recognize sizes "big" and "small". Children at this age begin to ask a lot of questions, can speak fluently in sentences of 4-5 words, can tell stories, their vocabulary is about 1000 words, they can answer when asked their age, gender, know how to sing short and simple children's songs. When children are 4-5 years old, they can say sentences of 4-5 words long with a vocabulary of about 1500 words, children can recognize more colors such as pink, orange, purple, black, white.... can copy squares, know how to count numbers and go on to ask lots of “why?” and “who?”. Children 4-5 years old can understand 100% of what others say. At the age of 5 - 6 years old, the baby can say 5-6 words long sentences with a vocabulary of about 2000 words, know the difference between right and left hands, form spatial relationships such as before/after/upper/under/far /nearly, children can recognize "same" and "different", can say home address if taught, this age children can use many different types of sentences.

2. Is it okay for children to be slow to speak?

Children who are slow to speak or even can't speak are becoming more and more common. Parents need to closely monitor their child's development and compare it with language development milestones. This will help parents detect children who are slow to speak or do not know how to speak.
Many children have brain problems that affect children slower than their peers in motor development, language... In some cases, children are slow to speak or they don't know speak due to abnormalities in the vocal apparatus, children have hearing loss ... Therefore, when parents bring their children to the doctor because their children have speech delay, they will focus on otolaryngology to screen for risks and have interventions. the most suitable card.
Children who are slow to speak or children who do not know how to speak from a psychological perspective are also an increasingly common phenomenon in today's society. In fact, a child with autism spectrum disorder will have developmental delays, language disorders that lead to speech delays. Some cases of delayed speech are suggestive of a psychological or brain abnormality:
Children who are slow to speak due to language disorders: the child with this condition is slow to speak, but he can Normal communication by gestures, gestures, expression of intentions through smiles, eyes, social interaction ability of children with language disorders is still completely normal. In this case, parents need to take the child to speech therapists for treatment intervention. Language disorders can lead to aggressive, violent behavior that is not worth it, such as shouting for no reason, throwing things, hitting friends... or vice versa, causing children to become increasingly shy, clinging to their mothers, clinging to teachers, afraid of crowds, do not play with you.
Trẻ con chậm nói có thể do nguyên nhân rối loạn ngôn ngữ
Trẻ con chậm nói có thể do nguyên nhân rối loạn ngôn ngữ

Children can't speak due to mental retardation: assess the child's IQ below 70 and have a delay in at least 2 areas of adaptation. Children with mental retardation are often slow to speak and have difficulties in using language, so families and schools need to coordinate to create conditions for children with special education programs that are appropriate to their abilities. Autism spectrum disorder leads to delayed speech in children: children with autism often have abnormalities in 3 areas: abnormalities in social interaction, abnormalities in communication and behavior, abnormalities in stereotyped, repetitive preferences of the baby. Children with delayed speech are considered a characteristic sign of impaired communication and most children are found to have autism because parents bring their children to a psychological examination because they have delayed speech. Children with autism need specialized educational methods to improve. Selective muteness: This is a rather special disorder where the child can speak and understand the language of others in some cases, but the child is unable to speak in other specified circumstances, for example For example, children can talk to relatives at home, can talk to close friends in the neighborhood, but when they go to school, they cannot speak. A very small number of children with selective muteness have a history of speech difficulties and a delay in speech. At this time, psychotherapeutic counseling will contribute to improving this situation for the child.

3. Exposure to modern electronic devices too early can make children slow to speak

It can be seen that language is very important in the development process, language helps children express their needs, helps children have fun, make friends, learn, grow up and play a very important role in intellectual development. clever.
However, today's life is so busy that many parents let their children use Ipad or TV as a way to help them look after their children more leisurely. On the other hand, when going to school, many teachers continue to let children watch TV instead of movement programs and activities that require direct interaction with friends to develop social skills.
Using electronic media too early will do more harm to children than good, because the content on electronic devices is by nature a one-way interaction model. When children focus on these devices, children will not receive interactive stimulation, stimulate communication ability like when they play with parents and friends.
We all know the benefits of letting children read books, newspapers, age-appropriate story books will help children promote their imagination and creativity in the most natural way. On the contrary, when children watch content on TV, Ipad, mobile phone..., the images are presented vividly and fully, so children no longer have space for their imagination to develop actively. but only passively receiving the image. Electronic devices have long been considered a risk factor for developmental delays in children.
Tiếp xúc với nội dụng trên thiết bị điện tử quá nhiều có thể khiến trẻ con chậm nói
Tiếp xúc với nội dụng trên thiết bị điện tử quá nhiều có thể khiến trẻ con chậm nói

For children with delayed speech or children at risk of speech delay, the issue of language enhancement must be done early and pay more attention. Some common types of speech delay
Children lack vocabulary; Children do not understand what others say; Children express but no one understands; Children lisp. Speak out of context (the child repeats the question instead of having to give the answer himself). Early intervention is highly effective, especially in the period from 3 to 5 years old, it will help significantly improve children's language ability, help children quickly integrate into the community, increase chances of normal development. usually later. Therefore, if the child shows signs of speech delay, parents should take the child to a medical facility for examination and treatment.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, when examining children with speech delay, they will meet with Pediatric Psychiatrists and psychologists, through the Denver II test to assess 4 areas of child development including: Fine motor, gross motor, language, individual-society; together with psychological tests such as CARS, CBCL, DBC-P, ... to detect speech delay alone or with other psychological disorders. From there, give appropriate advice and training instructions for each child.

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