How many ml of porridge is enough for 7 months baby?

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How many ml of porridge can a 7 month old baby eat? This is a question that is being asked by many parents today. The issue of how many ml of porridge a 7-month-old baby eats will help the mother build an effective menu for the child to support the child's most comprehensive physical and intellectual development. Find out the amount of porridge for babies at 7 months and note when making porridge for babies through the following article.

1. How many ml of porridge will a 7 month old baby eat?

Breast milk is still the best food for babies at 7 months. If you have returned to work, you can give your baby more formula. Baby weaning at this time will only act as a nutritional supplement, but in very small quantities. For 7-month-old babies, breast milk (formula) remains the main source of nutrition. Children 7 months old should still maintain a diet of powdered or pureed porridge. These foods are both easy to swallow and provide children with adequate vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, protein and protein - essential groups of substances. Thereby ensuring the comprehensive and healthy development of the growing baby.
Thus, in principle, mothers should practice feeding their children from dilute to dense, from little to more. In the first few meals, your baby may only eat 1 or 2 teaspoons of food. If the baby shows enthusiasm, then in the next time you may have to gradually increase the amount of food. Until the baby can eat about 50-100 ml / time. As the amount of solid foods is gradually increased, the baby will suckle or drink less milk. However, breast milk or formula is still the main source of nutrition for your baby during the first year of life. For a 1-year-old, milk should still make up about 70% of the diet.
Therefore, the most reasonable answer to the question "How many ml of porridge does a 7-month-old baby eat? ” is 100-200ml/meal/day. Mother also needs to pay attention to prepare porridge, the powder from thin to viscous and then thick. Food also needs to be ground or crushed.

2. What is the right way to feed a 7 month old baby?

One of the things that parents need to keep in mind when giving a 7-month-old baby solids is that babies need to make sure they are still getting enough milk (breast milk or formula) in a day. In fact, the weaning during this period is just to gradually practice, and the main source of nutrition that the baby gets is still milk. Therefore, during the time the baby is 7 months old, the mother needs to ensure that the child is supplemented:
5 breast milk or formula feedings equivalent to 770 - 950ml of milk per day Drink about 60 - 120ml of filtered water, fruit juice plants (do not completely replace filtered water with fruit juice). Your baby needs 2 to 3 servings of cereal for nuts (1 part = 1 - 2 tablespoons) and 2 servings of fruit (1 part fruit = 2 to 3 tablespoons). 2 to 3 servings of vegetables (1 part equals 2 - 3 tablespoons) 1 - 2 servings of protein (1 part = 1 - 2 tablespoons). The servings of cereals, vegetables, and protein will be combined into porridge or powder for baby to eat. 7-month-old baby eating a variety of foods with pork, chicken, beef, eggs, fish, vegetables will include: spinach, vegetables, amaranth and root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin...
On the other hand, mothers should also pay attention to observe what kind of food your baby is interested in to supplement in time. If your child eats foods that suit his taste, he will enjoy and eat more. Let your baby start solids slowly and give them time to enjoy and explore foods.
The baby's weaning time should also be built according to a common standard and uniformly applied on a daily basis. Letting your baby live and eat at the right time and at the right time will help the baby's digestive system work more stably and absorb nutrients better.
Mothers can refer to the feeding time of the baby below:
6 am: breastfeed or formula milk 9 am: eat porridge or powder 10 am: eat fruit 11 pm: breastfeed or formula milk 14:00 p.m.: give the child porridge or powdered solid food. 16 p.m.: drink juice at 6 p.m.: feed the child with porridge or powdered solids After 7 p.m., feed the baby with breast milk or formula on demand. At the same time, parents should not worry if the 7-month-old baby is anorexic. And don't force your baby to follow any specific eating schedule. Children will be free to eat as long as they need and if the baby shows signs of not wanting to eat anymore, the mother should stop immediately.
When giving solid foods, parents should pay close attention to the baby's signs. If your baby tries to reach for the spoon you're holding or opens his mouth wide, he's also trying to eat more.
In case the baby turns his head, shakes his head and closes his mouth or fusses when the mother feeds, it means that they really don't want to eat anymore. Parents also do not worry if the child does not eat all the prepared food and should not force the child to "try to eat another piece" when the child wants to stop.

3. How many grams of meat will a 7 month old baby eat?

Mom, start creating a habit of eating meat for your baby by adding red meat or animal liver because these contain a lot of iron. If pork can be given to babies when they are 6 months old, mothers may have to wait until 7 months to give them beef.
For chicken, too, this food contains a lot of protein, so babies 7-8 months old or older when their digestive system is more complete should give it to them. When mothers feed their children beef and chicken too early, it will cause the baby to have gas, bloating and difficulty absorbing all the protein in it, which will lead to a number of intestinal diseases.
When the baby is just starting to eat solids, the mother should puree the meat and cook it in the form of a powder. Wait until the baby is 9 months old, then the mother can make the meatballs into small balls for the baby to eat.
When the baby is 6 from 9 months old, please give your baby 30 grams of meat per day. When your baby is 10 from 12 months old, he can feed him 50 grams of meat per day. At this time, the baby can also chew, so the mother can tablet or slice thinly to practice the chewing reflex for the baby.
When the baby is 1 year old or older, the mother should increase the amount of meat in each baby's meal such as 75 grams of meat, fish and eggs every day to have enough protein for the baby.
Although this is an essential nutritional food for the development of the baby's body, the mother should not abuse the baby to eat too much meat because adding too much of a substance will lead to nutritional imbalance. In addition, red meats such as pork and beef contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, eat a lot of high risk of chronic diseases and make the metabolism too fast, causing no small harm.
Therefore, the mother should combine meat with vegetables and fruits to balance the nutrients in the body so that the baby can develop comprehensively.

4. Porridge dishes for 7-month-old babies

4.1. How to cook pumpkin shrimp porridge Ingredients
2 fresh shrimp 20g plain rice 1 piece pumpkin Olive oil Cooking method:
Step 1: Freshly bought shrimps are cut head, tail, peeled, and blackened along the spine , washed thoroughly, blanched quickly in boiling water, then pureed. For this way, it will help the baby get used to the shrimp dish first, because if it is not done carefully, it will cause the baby to have stomach pain and have a bowel movement.
Step 2: Peel the pumpkin, wash it, cut it into small pieces and puree it. The rice is washed and soaked in water for about 40 minutes so that the rice is finely grained.
Step 3: Put the pot on the stove, pour the rice into the same amount of water and simmer until the porridge is soft. When the porridge is cooked, add a little water to the shrimp to beat it and put it in the pot of porridge, stirring while stirring so that the shrimp does not clump.
Step 4: Finally, drop the pumpkin in and cook for a while until the squash is cooked, then turn off the stove. Mothers can use a large sifted sieve when the porridge is still hot, then sift it for the baby to use when it is warm.
4.2. How to cook salmon porridge Prepare ingredients:
10g spinach leaves 20g fried salmon 30g plain rice 250ml filtered water Cooking oil for babies How to cook:
Step 1: Wash salmon with dilute salt water. Then put it in the pot to boil. Then take out the fish and mash it.
Step 2: Wash the spinach and put it in a pot with 1 cup of boiled water. When vegetables are cooked, put both vegetables and water in a blender.
Step 3: Wash the rice and put it in the pot, then add 250ml of water to cook it into a soft porridge (ratio 1: 7)
Step 4: Porridge is cooked until the salmon is pureed and cooked for a few more minutes for the porridge and overcooked fish. Next, add the pureed spinach to cook, stirring constantly, and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Turn off the stove and pour the porridge into a bowl.
When the salmon porridge cools down, add a little cooking oil for the baby and give it to the baby while it is still warm.
4.3. How to cook chicken and carrot porridge for babies Ingredients:
20g chicken 10g carrots 20g rice flour , filter to get water
Step 3: Stir-fry chicken with 1 teaspoon of cooking oil.
Step 4: Mix rice flour with filtered water, stir well to dissolve the powder and then put on the stove to boil over medium heat, stirring well.
Step 5: Add the chicken and carrot mixture, stir well until the porridge is cooked.
4.4. Porridge with vegetables and vegetables Ingredients:
Rice Radishes Pork Tomatoes Cooking oil:
Step 1: Peel and cut radishes and then boil them. Then minced.
Step 2: Then mince the pork with a little white onion.
Step 3: Tomatoes have been seeded, washed, chopped and sautéed. Then, add the tomatoes to the broth mixture of radish and minced meat.
Step 4: Wash the rice and cook until boiling, then add the mixture of minced meat, carrots, and tomatoes and cook until boiling, then turn off the stove. Ladle the porridge into a bowl and add 1.5 tablespoons of cooking oil and wait for the porridge to cool down and then feed it to the baby.

5. Notes on how to take care of a 7-month-old baby with solid foods

First of all, parents should choose one of the above foods, then let the child taste it little by little. If the child refuses to eat a certain food, let him eat it gradually from less to more.
Mother note, absolutely do not try to put the spoon of food too deep into the child's mouth because this can easily cause vomiting, vomiting and make the child feel scared when being forced to eat. Besides, babies need 3-5 days to be able to get used to a new food.
If the child resists, fusses, refuses to eat and the parents can use other methods. Instead of using a feeding spoon, try using a clean finger to swipe the food into the child's mouth for the child to swallow. If still unsuccessful, please delay the time to practice eating again for about 1-2 weeks, do not force the child because that will only make the child more anorexic.
When children get used to a type of food, parents should practice giving them a new taste in the same way as above. Gradually, when the child is used to many flavors of food, the mother should gradually increase the consistency of the food. If the child has a slightly loose bowel movement, the color is a little different from before, but the child is still healthy and plays normally, you can rest assured to continue feeding the child as planned.
Parents should also practice giving children enough food at each meal when the child has eaten well. However, you must adhere to the principle of lasting from 3 to 5 days to let children get used to new foods gradually. At the same time, parents can also detect in time which foods lead to allergies for children to know and eliminate.
In addition to weaning food (additional food), if you do not know what a 7-month-old child should eat, parents should let the child drink more juice or eat ripe and pureed fruits. Besides, mothers should remember to pay attention to maintain breastfeeding, about 600-700ml/24 hours.
On the other hand, parents should not add seasoning to baby food to protect the baby's kidneys. When cooking porridge, to ensure the consistency of porridge, the mother should follow the ratio 1:7, that is, for every 10g of rice, 70ml of water needs to be added. Parents should cook porridge for children with various types of meat, fish, shrimp, vegetables or fruits, ... combined with changing the way of processing regularly to diversify meals and enrich the baby's taste.
Don't forget the fat group (from cooking oil for children) when you prepare food for your baby. Moreover, the egg dish for children must be completely cooked and not "digged" because it can cause the baby's intestinal tract to become infected.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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