Identify abnormalities in the infant's breathing

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The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor I Dang Thi Ngoc Chuong - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Newborns tend to have irregular breathing patterns that alternate between fast and slow, with occasional pauses in breathing. In the process of taking care of children, there are many signs and symptoms of abnormal manifestations that may occur in the baby, if parents are negligent and do not have timely and proper handling measures, it can lead to serious consequences. dangerous situations that we cannot foresee.

1. What is a child's normal breathing rate?

The normal breathing rate of a child is calculated when the child is sleeping or resting and depending on the age of the child, there will be different breathing rates:
0 to under 6 months old: 30 - 60 breaths/minute 6 months to under 12 months old : 24-30 beats/min 1 year to 5 years old: 20-30 beats/min 6 years to under 12 years old: 12-20 beats/min 12 years old and older: 12-20 beats/min To measure breathing rate of children, parents count the number of times the baby's chest rises and falls within 1 minute. If the breathing rate is outside the normal range for the child's age, there may be a health problem.

2. What do parents do when they see their child breathing fast?

If the child has the following symptoms, parents should take the child to the nearest medical facility:
The infant is breathing fast or the child is less than 1 year old and breathing more than 60 breaths/minute. Children 1 to 5 years old and breathing more than 30 breaths/minute. If your child is older than this age and has more panting than usual after exercise or even normal activities, or the panting symptoms keep coming back the next time, parents Children should still be taken to the doctor to check their health.
Nhịp thở bình thường của trẻ được tính khi trẻ đang ngủ
Tachypnea can be a symptom of a number of conditions, the most common being:
Bronchitis : This lung infection affects children under 2 years of age, usually appearing in winter or early spring. Bronchitis causes the airways inside the lungs to become narrower leading to difficulty breathing. Other symptoms may include:
Runny nose Cough Mild fever Wheezing Loss of appetite Bronchitis usually appears during winter or early spring, and the first symptoms look like a cold. The bronchitis then spreads into the lungs, which can lead to things like bronchitis and pneumonia.
Asthma : Children with asthma often show their first signs before the child is 5 years old. Besides rapid breathing, symptoms may include coughing or wheezing.
Pneumonia : Common in children under 2 years old and children can get it after a cold or flu, the cause of pneumonia can be viral or bacterial. Other symptoms include:
Exhausted breathing Wheezing Cough

3. What if the child is not breathing?

Nên đưa trẻ đi khám bác sĩ khi phát hiện nguy cơ bệnh
Normally, babies may stop breathing for 5 or 10 seconds and then breathe normally again. But if it lasts more than 10 seconds or the child turns blue, call 911 or take the child to the nearest Medical facility.
If your baby is breathing fast while he sleeps, it could be a sign of sleep apnea, which is common in children between the ages of 2 and 8. In addition, sleep apnea may be accompanied by other symptoms such as snoring.
To prevent diseases that babies often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
Articles refer to sources:,

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