Methods of feeding babies weaning and advantages and disadvantages

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Video content is professionally consulted by Resident Doctor, Specialist I Dang Thi Ngoan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

When children begin to enter the age of weaning, parents face many difficulties to make their baby's weaning journey as comfortable and smooth as possible.

According to resident doctor, specialist I Dang Thi Ngoan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital, the weaning phase is considered a step to mark a new development of a child: Baby can learn to eat gradually like adults. Different methods of weaning help children get used to different foods and ways of eating: There is a weaning method that prioritizes digestibility with pureed foods, while there is a weaning method that prioritizes development ability of children to chew / eat raw with foods that are cut into pieces... Therefore, choosing which method of weaning will affect the child's ability to eat and digest later. Parents need to pay attention to this right from the time they start eating solids.
Currently, there are 3 methods of weaning that are popular with parents:
Traditional weaning method; Japanese-style weaning method; Baby Led Weaning method (also known as blw weaning method for short) Traditional weaning method: This weaning method is very popular with Vietnamese families. Mothers will grind flour together with foods such as meat, vegetables, and fish. The mixture will start from liquid to thick. When children have teeth, they will eat porridge with pureed food.
If the mother applies the traditional weaning method, the baby can eat a lot from the first days, so it is easy to gain weight well. Pureed food is safe for the digestive system. Because it is a traditional method of weaning, it is easy to receive the support of the family. Cons
Children who eat a lot of pureed foods can affect their ability to eat raw foods later on. Blending many foods together makes it difficult for the mother to detect when the child is allergic to which food the baby is allergic to. Many pureed foods make it difficult for children to distinguish each ingredient. Japanese method of weaning
This method of feeding babies is to dilute porridge through a sieve to a ratio of 1:10, not stirring it into a powder. Vegetables and meat are also processed separately with suitable rawness.
Babies get used to different foods, helping to develop the ability to identify food flavors. Eating in this way is good for the child's kidneys. The baby is not forced, creating a comfortable feeling when eating and creating the habit of eating quickly and focusing. Cons
Mothers will spend time teaching babies to sit and hold a spoon. Mothers will spend time preparing food because there are many foods that need to be processed separately Baby Led Weaning method (Baby Led Weaning - also known as BLW weaning for short)
This is the method for babies Weaning is widely applied in Western countries. With this method of weaning, mothers often do not puree food and do not put spoons but let babies eat by themselves. The mother will only sit and guide the baby to put food in his mouth, the rest is up to the baby.
Baby develops chewing skills and food control. Babies are actively "taking control" of food, so they are free to explore the flavors they like. Children can easily join the meal with everyone in the family. Cons
Baby eats by himself, so the amount of food put into the body is not controlled, easy to lose weight, weight level. Since the baby has been eating solid foods since the beginning, the risk of choking is high. Children who eat solids command or arrange indiscriminately, eat as they like, and the mother takes time to clean up after the baby has finished eating. As can be seen, each method of weaning has certain advantages and disadvantages and no method is the most perfect. Therefore, parents need to rely on the conditions of time / ability to care to choose the method of weaning for the baby that best suits their preferences, habits and physical condition to achieve the best results.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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