Most traumatic brain injuries in children happen at home

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More than 4 million children each year suffer a traumatic brain injury and, surprisingly, the most common cause of traumatic brain injury in children under the age of 5 is a fall at home hitting their head on furniture and household objects such as children. fell down stairs, floors, beds, walls, tables and chairs.

1. What is traumatic brain injury in children?

Head trauma is also known as Traumatic brain injury (TBI), depending on the severity of the injury, it can be as mild as a bump, bruise or scratch on the head. It could also be a concussion, a deep cut or open wound, a skull fracture, internal bleeding, or brain damage.
Types of head injuries include:
Concussion: The brain is displaced, shaken too hard, causing micro-injuries. Pediatric patients are often affected by circulation and extracellular fluid between compartments and neurons. Concussion: When there is too strong a concussion, brain cells may be partially crushed, brain tissue is edematous, and many nerve cells experience a state of half-life and half-death. Intracranial hematoma: The most severe form of traumatic brain injury, can cause immediate death if the bleeding is large and large.
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2. Causes of traumatic brain injury in children

Statistics show that the highest rate of traumatic brain injury is in children under 1 year of age. Infants with traumatic brain injury are most commonly caused by falls. In addition, there are a number of causes of traumatic brain injury in children, including:
Sports injuries Motor vehicle accidents or being hit by a car while walking Children are abused...

3. Symptoms of traumatic brain injury in children

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury vary from child to child, depending on the severity of the injury. Symptoms of a mild head injury may include:
The child is fussy, struggling or lethargic, oozing, refusing to feed. Vomiting or nauseous many times even without eating. In older children, children will complain of headache. Severe cases, intracranial lesions, can recognize neurological signs such as convulsions, leg weakness, dilated pupils, coma, call not to wake up, bleeding blood or discharge from the ear...
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4. How to handle children with traumatic brain injury?

If a young child falls or hits hard with the above symptoms, parents need to know the first steps to take while waiting for an ambulance.
Encourage the injured child to minimize any movement of the head or neck. In case, the wound on the head is bleeding heavily, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure and dressing. Reassure the child and try to stay calm. During the transport of the victim, have the child lie on his or her back, with the head tilted to one side and no high pillow. Children need to lie on hard boards to avoid spinal injury and spinal cord complications. Absolutely do not let the patient walk, sit up or exercise vigorously. Take the child to the nearest general hospital with trauma department, neurosurgery, emergency room for examination and preliminary diagnosis.

5. Preventing falls causing traumatic brain injury in children

Children are often very active and naughty, so in the process of playing, children may encounter injuries, bumps, and falls from heights... Therefore, to prevent falls, causing traumatic brain injury in children. Mom needs attention.
There must always be someone to observe young children, limit children to play in places where stairs, balconies... do not have protection bars. Arrange or modify to ensure a safe play environment for children. Check the use of seat belts when children are in any vehicle Make sure children wear helmets when playing sports, cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding or skiing. Depending on the severity of the injury, the doctor will decide the most appropriate treatment plan. If you suspect that you have a traumatic brain injury, you can take your child to the Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital.
Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital has received many cases of traumatic brain injury in children and has timely handled, minimizing complications. Here, children will be examined by leading experts and given strict treatment regimens, nutritional advice to help children develop comprehensively in 7 areas: fine motor, gross motor, language , sensory, cognitive, socio-emotional, personal development.
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