Note when using Air-X medicine for babies

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Air-X with Simethicone is used to treat the symptoms of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, causing problems such as discomfort, pain, gas and bloating. In fact, Air-X baby anti-colic is a safe option and provides significant symptom improvement. However, parents need to know the notes when using Air x medicine for babies, thereby helping children have a healthy digestive tract.

1. What is Air-X anti-colic?

Air-X anti-flatulence has the active ingredient mainly simethicone. This is a medication that can be used over-the-counter to treat the excessive presence of gas in the digestive tract, causing bloating. In infants and young children, prolonged flatulence or bloating will lead to anorexia, poor appetite, frequent gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting, malabsorption and malnutrition.
Besides, people with irritable bowel syndrome can use the anti-flatulence Air-X to effectively relieve the symptoms. Air-X anti-colic is presented in a variety of dosage forms, from tablets, capsules, drops and easily swallowed liquid, suitable for use in infants and children.
In addition, the anti-flatulence Air-X can also be combined with other ingredients that contribute to the stabilization of the digestive tract function, such as medicine for indigestion, epigastric pain such as antacids or stabilizers. regulate bowel movements, control diarrhea.

2. Mechanism of action of the anti-flatulence drug Air-X

Air-X anti-flatulence drug with the ingredient Simethicone usually starts to work quickly, ie within 30 minutes of taking it. Air-X's mechanism of action is by gathering small air bubbles in the intestines into larger ones, allowing trapped food or intestinal fluid to move more easily. than.
Therefore, Air x infant medicine is a safe anti-colic option with no known side effects. However, parents should only use the drug occasionally or for a short period of time and stop taking it when the child can tolerate milk and food favorably.

3. Who can and can't take the drug Air x

Most adults and children, including infants, can take Air-X with the active ingredient simethicone without a prescription. Even so, the anti-flatulence Air-X may not be right for some people. Accordingly, to ensure that the anti-flatulence drug Air-X in particular or simethicone in general is safe to use, please discuss further with your doctor or pharmacist before using.
In addition, the anti-flatulence Air-X or drugs containing Simethicone are often mixed with other ingredients that stabilize digestive system function. Therefore, it is important to carefully read the ingredients in the leaflet that comes with the medicine or the information printed on the box or bottle, to make sure the medicine is right for your child, especially for infants. If unsure, ask your doctor or pharmacist for careful and specific advice in each case.

4. Note when using Air x medicine for babies

Air-X anti-colic with Simethicone is commonly used to safely treat infant colic. This is thanks to the drug's mechanism of action through a reaction that reduces the surface tension of the air bubble allowing it to burst and food to pass through the intestines more easily.
To date, no significant side effects due to Air-X baby anti-colic have been reported. However, parents should also note the following things to note when using Air x medicine for infants as follows:
Shake the vial well before use, for liquid dosage forms Observe the dosages May be repeated as needed, after meals and at bedtime, or as directed on the package or as directed by a physician. Do not exceed 12 doses per day. However, for infants (under 2 months old) limit use to more than 3 times a day. In the case of newborn jaundice, the anti-colic Air-X should not be used until the jaundice symptoms have completely resolved.
When giving medication to a child, fill the metered dose dropper attached to the bottle to the recommended dose and inject the medicine slowly into one side of the inside of the baby's mouth. In addition, parents can also mix the medicine with 30ml of cool water, bottle-fed breast milk or infant formula or other suitable liquids for babies.
In conclusion, Air-X baby anti-colic is a suitable option to relieve symptoms of gas caused by swallowing air. However, the use of Air x medicine for infants absolutely must not be abused, but it is necessary to follow the instructions on the product or consult a pediatrician. In addition, this is only a method of treating symptoms, so if the child does not improve after taking Air-X anti-colic or the symptoms gradually increase, the severity is more severe, parents need to take Children go to the doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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