Puberty: At what age does pubic hair grow?

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During puberty, the body changes not only physically but also psychologically so that the child can move to a new stage - the adult stage. This process usually begins between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and 9 to 14 years for boys. Along with puberty, children begin to have a tendency to grow body hair. This article will provide more detailed information about this period of children.

1. When children hit puberty

Puberty in children can be considered early when the child is 8 years old (girls), 9 years old (boys). This process can also be considered late if it has not started at age 13 (girls) and 14 years (boys). Puberty is different in both males and females.
Signs of puberty in girls
Puberty usually begins when girls are 10.5 years old. The first signs are noticed at this stage with the development of breasts. The breasts appear as small lumps under the baby's nipples on either side or one side. During this period, children begin to grow rapidly. After about 6 months of the onset of puberty, pubic hair begins to appear, although in some children it is typical that pubertal hair growth begins to show signs of puberty.
Over the next few years, the baby's chest continues to develop, gradually growing, pubic hair and other organs develop. And girls begin to enter the menstrual period. This change in children usually occurs when the child is 12.5 - 13 years old.
Puberty in girls takes place over a period of 3 to 4 years. At this stage, girls can average 7-8 cm/year.
Signs of puberty in boys
Puberty in boys can begin later than girls , usually between the ages of 11.5 and 12 years on average. The first sign of puberty in boys is an increase in testicle size. After a few months, pubic hair begins to grow. Pubic hair, armpit hair, testicles and penis grow rapidly during this period. However, in boys, the maximum growth rate is 2-3 years slower than in girls.
Puberty in boys is completed after a period of 3 to 4 years with pubic hair, testes and penis reaching adult size. Continue to grow breasts and beard.
bé trai dậy thì
Thường ở độ tuổi trung bình từ 11.5 đến 12 tuổi các bé trai bắt đầu dậy thì và mọc lông mu

2. The process of growing armpit and pubic hair

Pubic and underarm/armpit hair (medically called: Armpit hair) occurs when the adrenal glands increase production of a hormone DHEA. This hormone also causes body odor and is sometimes responsible for mild acne in children during puberty.
At what age do children grow pubic hair? This stage represents the beginning of adrenal hyperactivity. Adrenal hyperplasia is usually normal in girls 8 years of age and older and boys 9 years of age and older. Even if pubic and underarm hair is present in children younger than this age, it's usually nothing to worry about, but it's important to see your pediatrician for a checkup. Your doctor will chart your child's growth rate on a growth curve and do a genital exam.
At what age is it safe for children to grow pubic hair? Premature pubic and axillary hair is considered normal if a child is growing normally and tracking the same percentile on the physician's growth curve and there is no significant female clitoris enlargement or growth. penis or testicles in boys.

3. The process of developing breasts of girls

Most girls start developing breasts around age 11, but about 15% of African American girls and 5% of white girls will start developing breasts before age 8. Girls who start developing breasts before age 8 should be seen by a pediatrician to make sure the signs of development aren't a serious endocrine disorder causing precocious puberty, but most cases are normal. . Girls 14 years of age and underdeveloped breasts should be evaluated for delayed puberty. Breast growth begins with breast buds, hard round areas of tissue under the nipple. The medical term for the onset of breast development: Thelarche. It is normal and common for girls to develop irregular breasts, with one breast growing faster than the other. Some girls will develop the appearance of breast tissue, but without any firm breast buds - lipomastia, and it is really just a collection of fat in the breast area. Lipomastia does not represent puberty.
The most common form of premature breast development actually occurs in toddler girls under 2 years of age. These young girls can develop breast buds that can change size and even disappear altogether. Most of the time, very early breast development in toddler girls is not serious. It's not clear what causes premature breast dryness, but one theory is that ovarian cysts may be releasing hormones that stimulate breast bud growth.
quá trình phát triển ngực của bé gái
Hầu hết ngực của các bé gái sẽ bắt đầu phát triển vào khoảng 11 tuổi

4. When girls start menstruating

Girls usually start menstruating about 2 years after breast buds appear. The average age of the first menstrual period, or menstruation, is about 12.5 years old in the United States. There is a significant racial difference in the age at first menarche, with non-Western African-American girls starting earlier than white and Mexican-American girls.
When should a boy's penis and testicles develop during puberty?
Growth of the testicles and penis is often the first sign of puberty in boys, although sometimes pubic and underarm hair may appear first. Most boys begin puberty between the ages of 12 and 16, but puberty isn't considered premature in boys unless it's under the age of 9.

5. Causes of Precocious Puberty

Precocious puberty is usually normal, but can also be caused by exposure to drugs and chemicals, including creams and gels containing estrogen and testosterone, essential oils such as tea tree oil and lavender oil and possibly a group of toxins found in some phthalates plastic products. If a parent or other family member is using a hormone cream or gel, exercise extreme caution about washing hands after use and before touching household surfaces.

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Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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