Seeing children masturbate, what should parents do?

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Nowadays, many babies are just learning to walk, but they are very curious about their genitals and have self-stimulating behaviors. Boys can pull and contract the penis, while girls rub the genitals with their hands. Many parents feel confused and awkward, not even knowing what to do when their children do these actions.

1. What should parents do when their children masturbate?

According to Dr. Loan's guidance, if detecting masturbation behaviors in young children, parents should:
First: Calm down and teach your child that masturbation is completely normal. Parents need to teach their children that masturbation is a private act. Second: If your child masturbates in public, try to distract her. If it's not possible to distract the child, steer him aside to remind him of his privacy and how his behavior affects others. According to Doctor Huynh Thoai Loan, sometimes, frequent masturbation by children will cause problems for the health of children, which is a sign of sexual abuse. Therefore, parents should focus on sex education for children from an early age, at least for primary school children and preschool children.
In the process of sex education for children, parents need to emphasize to their children that no one is allowed to touch private parts of the body except in the case of going to a doctor and having the consent of the parents. .
If you are concerned about your child's behavior and perception of sex, take your child to the doctor to get the right advice. Children should be taken to the doctor in the following cases:
Excessive masturbation during the day. Masturbating in public even after being warned. Masturbation is accompanied by difficult behavioral or emotional symptoms such as social isolation, aggression, sadness, etc. Inappropriate talk about sex or other sexual activities. Because awareness in children is still quite immature, so parents need to calm down when they notice that their children have inappropriate behaviors and most importantly, spend a lot of time observing and developing with their children.
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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