Should porridge, soup, corn milk be used for baby weaning?

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Weaning is the process of introducing your baby to solid foods, starting when your baby is about 6 months old. At this time, the food provided for the baby every day is not completely just breast milk or formula but can be many other new foods. In particular, cooking corn porridge for babies to eat weaning or using corn milk for babies are also good ideas, providing children with many rich nutrients.

1. When can babies start eating solid foods?

Current guidelines state that parents should wait until their baby is six months old before starting weaning. Moreover, the time to introduce solid foods depends on the nutritional needs and development of each baby. Accordingly, each baby will have different signs of readiness for weaning. There are several signs that the baby is ready to wean as follows:
The baby still seems hungry and restless after having enough milk. The child is now able to sit back in a chair and keep his head steady. Children know how to open their mouths, put food or things in their mouths, and act "chewing" when they see others eating. At this point, deciding on a suitable date to start introducing solids should be when both mother and baby feel completely comfortable and are not under time pressure.
It's a good idea to start by giving your baby a small amount of solid food so he can get used to this new taste and experience. Never force solid foods for babies from scratch. If your baby refuses food, stop and try again in a few days. Don't be in a hurry as babies need to learn these new tastes and the hardest part is how to swallow.

2. How to prepare baby food

Once you've decided to start solids, especially with self-directed weaning, follow these basic principles:
The texture of the food should be soft. Regardless of the menu, at the beginning of solids, the texture of the food should be soft enough or melt easily so that it will be easy for your baby to chew. Avoid giving your child hard or crunchy foods, such as raw carrot or apple slices.
Continue to breastfeed or bottle feed. Maintain the same frequency of breast-feeding or bottle-feeding, as babies receive most of their nutrition through milk until 12 months of age.
súp ngô cho bé ăn dặm
Cha mẹ có thể chế biến súp ngô cho bé ăn dặm theo hướng dẫn

Have dinner together. If the family dinner is cauliflower and steamed salmon, there's no reason why your baby can't eat the same foods as adults, but you need to make them small and medium to make them easier to eat.
Feed your baby a variety of foods. Over time, exposing your baby to a variety of choices will help her develop a taste and make her less picky later on. Offer your baby foods of different colors (tomatoes, green beans, and sweet potatoes) and different textures (smooth avocado, spongy watermelon, or soft cooked rice).
Besides, parents need to pay attention to adding more fruits, porridge, soup, legumes, green vegetables, protein... in their baby's daily diet to help them develop comprehensively.

3. Should porridge, soup, corn milk be used for baby weaning?

Corn is also a vegetable, suitable for children to eat weaning. Therefore, mothers should choose a suitable processing method to introduce corn to their children to learn weaning as soon as possible.
Corn provides several nutritional elements to your baby's diet, including protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B5, vitamin C, folate, phosphorus, manganese and beta-carotene. Besides, corn is also a rich source of fiber. Giving your baby whole-grain corn too early can cause gas and colic. Furthermore, the insoluble fiber in corn can also lead to diarrhea.
On the other hand, although rare, corn sometimes causes allergic reactions. The risk of a toddler being allergic to corn is higher if there is a family history of any type of allergy, including eczema and allergic rhinitis. That's why many parents delay giving their baby corn until the baby's digestive system is healthier - generally after 12 months of age.
However, if processing corn into porridge, soup, corn milk for baby weaning is also an interesting and safe option. During cooking times, it is necessary to separate the corn kernels carefully, cook the corn kernels into porridge or milk, other vegetable soups and carefully filter the fiber. It is advisable to start with just a few seeds, many times a day. If the child tolerates it, it can be gradually increased in frequency and quantity thereafter.
Tips for choosing and processing corn in your baby's diet:
When making corn porridge for babies, always cook the corn thoroughly and filter out the insoluble fiber when the baby first starts eating. You can make corn milk for your baby to eat as a milk meal during the day.
súp ngô cho bé ăn dặm
Sử dụng súp ngô cho bé ăn dặm giúp cung cấp nhiều dinh dưỡng

Baby corn soup can be stewed with other vegetables. However, do not choose baby corn as the first food for your baby. Instead, wait until your child has fully tolerated a variety of other vegetables and fruits.
Choose corns with green, stretchy skins - avoid corns that are dry. Make sure that the corn kernels are bright in color and full, rather than dented, damaged. Corn can be yellow or white - both are equally delicious.
For best taste, cook baby corn milk with fresh or freshly picked corn. If you want to keep it longer, keep it in the refrigerator.
Canned corn contains less nutritious protein than fresh corn, so limit cooking corn porridge for baby with canned corn. However, if you have to choose from these products, read labels carefully and avoid brands with added sugar or salt.
In short, the baby starting to eat solid foods is a step into the rich culinary world. Children's menus can be flexibly designed with many different dishes for children to experience and enjoy nutrients. With the above suggestions, cooking corn porridge for babies to eat weaning or corn milk for weaning babies is a new and interesting discovery for the baby and possibly the whole family.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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