What are the effects of children taking a lot of vitamin C?

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Vitamin C is a popular vitamin that many parents care about. Vitamin C supplements for children need to be understood and applied correctly, because if children take a lot of vitamin C, it will lead to a number of worrying health problems.

1. Why is vitamin C supplementation for children important?

Vitamin C is a very necessary vitamin for the body, helping to strengthen resistance, fight oxidation, support collagen synthesis ... If the body is not provided with enough vitamin C, it will susceptible to infectious diseases.
When any type of bacteria enters the body, the amount of vitamin C in the blood decreases, the capillary permeability increases, causing blood vessels to burst, the skin becomes dry. On the contrary, when the body is loaded with the necessary amount of vitamin C, IgA and IgM immune globulins increase, white blood cells will also work better to produce more lymphocytes and help protect the body against pathogens. sick. In addition, vitamin C also helps the body better absorb other essential nutrients such as iron, zinc ...
Vitamin C for children is now available in 2 forms, which are natural and synthetic. Vitamin C naturally comes from some fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamin C in this form exists with pectin and flavonoids for better absorption and prevents vitamin C from being oxidized. As for synthetic vitamin C, it is usually in the form of products such as syrups, lozenges, etc., which are acidic in nature and are often not good for children's digestive system. Furthermore, synthetic vitamin C is more difficult to absorb and oxidize than natural vitamin C. For the above reasons, parents should supplement vitamin C for children in a more natural form. Parents should let children eat and drink foods containing a lot of vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, green vegetables... to strengthen the immune system and fight diseases.
Vitamin C cho trẻ em
Vitamin C cho trẻ em tự nhiên đến từ một số loại trái cây và rau tươi

2. What are the effects of children taking a lot of vitamin C?

There are many parents who do not know the information about synthetic vitamin C, so they tend to let their children drink a lot, the consequences are:
Body fatigue, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, stomach spasms, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea... Kidney stones: Children who take a lot of vitamin C will increase oxalate, which is a factor in the formation of kidney stones. Because synthetic vitamin C is acidic, it will acidify the urine, forming precipitates such as urate and cystin, which are also substances that cause kidney stones. Nutritional imbalance: An excess of vitamin C in the body leads to a deficiency of some other essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 or an excessive increase in substances such as iron. Create interactive reactions: Drugs such as Niacin - simvastatin, or Aspirin when taken with a large amount of vitamin C will lead to an increase in vitamin C excretion, reduce the excretion of Aspirin, making this drug in the body. very high. Another case is that taking vitamin C with fluphenazine will reduce fluphenazin plasma concentrations. Tolerance: Using too much Vitamin C for a long time will cause the drug to become resistant in the body, so it will cause vitamin C deficiency. Typically, patients with a deficiency of Glucose - 6 - Phosphate Dehydrogenase if taking too much vitamin C will lead to hemolytic disease.

Supplementing vitamin C for children is necessary, but it is recommended to supplement vitamins in natural form for children instead of using synthetic functional foods. Children taking a lot of vitamin C will cause some unwanted effects, so it is best for parents to give vitamin C to children according to the dosage and time instructions from a qualified doctor.

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