When major developmental milestones occur for children

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When does baby start to walk, teeth and eat solid foods? When does your child not need a nap, make friends first and lose his first tooth? These timelines give you an overview of exciting developmental times in your child.

1. Children's sleep time and nap habits

How much sleep does your child need? Every child is different. Some babies need two hours more or less sleep than others, and some older toddlers and babies need an hour more or less than their peers.
Baby Development Milestones give you a general idea of ​​how much sleep children typically need at different ages and how sleep patterns and naps change as they get older.
1.1. For babies and young children Infant sleep has no pattern, and babies can sleep from a few minutes to several hours at a time. One reason babies wake up so often is to fill their little tummy.
When the baby is 1 month old, the baby's sleep time is about 17 hours. Baby begins to recognize the difference between day and night. Children may often close their eyes at night but still sleep a lot during the day. As the number of months of the baby increases, the sleep time of the baby also decreases. When your baby is 9 months old, your baby's sleep time will be 14 to 15 hours, with about 11 hours at night. 70 to 80% of babies this age are currently sleeping through the night (usually defined as 8 to 12 hours at night without eating). Your baby may take two naps a day, morning and afternoon.
Giấc ngủ của trẻ sơ sinh
Giấc ngủ của trẻ được 1 tháng khoảng 17 giờ

1.2. Toddlers When babies are 12 months old, their sleep time is 14 hours. One-year-olds typically sleep about 11 hours at night, plus two daytime naps (which can be a bit shorter).
When the baby is 18 months old, the baby's sleep time is 13 to 14 hours. Your child's morning nap is probably history by now. Your baby will probably continue that nap for a few more years. Most children this age still sleep about 11 hours at night.
1.3. Preschoolers When children are 2 years old, their sleep time is 11 to 14 hours. Most 2-year-olds still nap in the afternoon and sleep about 10 to 12 hours at night.
Children are 3 years old, this time is 10 to 13 hours. Your preschooler may still nap, but some kids this age don't nap at all. They often compensate by sleeping a little more at night.
1.4. Older children When children are 4 and 5 years old, this time period is 13 hours. Some kids this age sleep through the night, while others still sleep for an hour or two in the afternoon. A child who is in kindergarten or has an unusually active day may be tired and ready for bed earlier than usual.
When the child is 6 to 8 years old, the sleep time is 12 hours, all at night.

2. Baby teething milestone

Chảy dãi là một biểu hiện của trẻ chuẩn bị mọc răng
Chảy dãi là một biểu hiện của trẻ chuẩn bị mọc răng

As you can see teething in babies is usually the two bottom incisors (lower central incisors) coming in first. Even before your baby is born, tooth buds are growing under your baby's gums.
Remember that this is a general timeline. It's completely normal for your baby's first tooth to appear at 3 months or after his or her first birthday. It's also okay if your baby's teeth grow or fall out in a different order.
2.1. Lower central incisors: 6 to 10 months Teething begins. Your baby's gums may be swollen and red where the teeth come through. The two upper and lower middle teeth (the lower central incisors) usually erupt first, often at the same time.
2.2. Upper central incisors: 8 to 12 months Upper middle incisors (upper central incisors) erupt. In fact baby teeth, or primary teeth, have smooth wavy edges when in use.
2.3. Upper incisors: 9 to 13 months The top teeth right next to the middle (lateral incisors) teeth appear, forming a row that looks like four small serrations.
2.4. Lower incisors: 10 to 16 months Lateral incisors appear below. Baby teeth hold space for permanent teeth to develop under the gums.
Trẻ mọc răng
Trẻ từ 10 đến 16 tháng mọc răng cửa bên dưới

2.5. First upper molars: 13 to 19 months Your baby's first molars - the teeth that are wider towards the back of the mouth - come in at the top. They won't have much to do until the other teeth at the bottom show up.
2.6. First lower molars: 14-18 months Lower companion molars emerge. Sometimes the top and bottom first molars will erupt on one side before they erupt on the other.
2.7. Upper canines: 16 to 22 months Also known as canines, upper canines fill the space between the incisors and first molars. These teeth are sometimes called dog teeth.
2.8. Second lower molars: 23-31 months Second molars, or very deep teeth, grow at the bottom.
2.9. Second upper molars: 25-33 months The last teeth - the top back molars - work their way.
By the age of 3, most children have full 20 baby teeth and can make you smile.
Trẻ 3 tuổi hầu hết đã có đầy đủ 20 chiếc răng sữa
Trẻ 3 tuổi hầu hết đã có đầy đủ 20 chiếc răng sữa

2.10. Jaw and facial bone growth: From 4 to 6 years The bones in a child's face and jaw grow and develop, creating space between baby teeth for permanent teeth to come in.
2.11. Teeth loss: Ages between 6 and 12 Children begin to lose teeth. During these years, your baby's teeth have both baby teeth and permanent teeth as one begins to replace the other.
Baby teeth can fall out in any order, but baby teeth usually fall out in the same order they came in. If your baby's baby teeth come in later than their peers, they may also lose them later.
The middle teeth usually erupt first (at 6 to 7 years old), followed by those on the sides (7 to 8 years old). Molars can be lost at any time after that but are likely to fall out between 9 and 12 years. The bottom canines will likely fall out between 9 and 12 years, and the top canines will erupt in 10 to 12 years.
2.12. Full set: Age 13 Your child will probably have all 28 adult permanent teeth by around age 13 (Four wisdom teeth will come in between 17 and 21 years old.)
If you have any dental concerns children, talk to the dentist.

3. Timelines for feeding children

Phòng ngừa và xử trí dị ứng thực phẩm ở trẻ em
Khi bé được 4 đến 6 tháng thì bắt đầu cho bé ăn bổ sung nhưng nên chú ý tránh nguy cơ dị ứng thực phẩm

3.1. Babies and young children At this stage of infant development, babies are mostly breastfed or formula fed. Until your baby is 4 to 6 months old, start giving them complementary foods. Because, at this time, although the baby is still drinking milk, it is no longer enough to provide nutrients for the baby. Parents should pay attention when giving complementary foods to children to avoid the risk of food allergies.
3.2. Older children and school children Children between 18 and 24 months can use a spoon on their own (although not always well). Your baby learns to close his mouth, shake his head, or use other cues to let you know he's full.
Children between 24 and 36 months can feed themselves and continue to perfect other skills during mealtime. Willing to eat almost anything and enjoy choosing from what is on offer. However, your baby is still too young to eat foods that pose a choking hazard.

4. Timeline of children learning to walk

Some babies learn to walk as early as 9 months, others as late as 17 months. There are many normal ages for babies to start learning to walk. If you are concerned about your child's progress, consult your doctor.
4.1. Babies When babies are 3 to 4 months old, they can do gentle push-ups. That means they can lie on their stomach and lift their head and chest off the ground, using their arms for support. Gentle push-ups help children build upper body muscles that are important for walking.
Trẻ tập ngồi
Trẻ 6 đến 8 tháng trẻ sẽ học cách ngồi

When babies are 6 to 8 months old, they will learn to sit. Sitting without support requires neck strength, head control, balance, and coordination all of the skills important for walking. Most babies also learn to crawl between the ages of 7 and 12 months, although some babies skip it altogether and go straight to learning to walk.
4.2. Toddlers 12 to 15 months old can be walking, even though it's awkward. Before long, your child will learn to stoop and stand up again. After this time, with help, your baby can go up and down stairs. Baby can even walk backwards. Dance to the music.
4.3. Older Children By the time a child is 5 years old, he or she has mastered previous skills and can now do all activities: walk, run, hopscotch, skip and jump.
Young children have immature immune systems and are susceptible to respiratory and infectious diseases. When a child has abnormal signs of health, parents can take the child to Vinmec Health system for timely examination and treatment.
To help children achieve important developmental milestones, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help meet the needs of children. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

Reference source: babycenter.com

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