When your son is 11 years old: What you and your baby need to know

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11-year-old boys have begun a major period of physical and emotional development, they are sometimes very emotional but also difficult to understand. An 11-year-old boy may be mature enough to signal secretly when he doesn't want his parents to embarrass them, but at night still insists on reading a book to him before bed.

1. Language

By the age of 11, most boys have a fairly large vocabulary. Your child is able to use gestures and facial expressions to make his point clear. The 11-year-old boy has also mastered different types of language, such as using a lot of slang and jokes when talking to friends; Use formal honorifics when talking to the teacher.
You can help your 11-year-old son with language development by:
Go to the library regularly: Reading not only helps your son learn more words, but also trains him to be a thoughtful person. think independently. If you don't have time to go to the library, you can try letting your child listen to audiobooks or offer to read books to them. Maintain conversations: At this age, a lot of boys are still around their parents. So continue to spend more time talking to your child. An 11-year-old boy needs to learn to talk about his thoughts and feelings. If your child seems quiet, try asking your child for ideas to engage and facilitate. Know the signs of a language disorder: Not using keywords when talking, not being able to maintain a conversation and not understanding puzzles... are a few warning signs. If you are concerned about your son's speaking skills, talk to your doctor for advice. SEE ALSO: What should an 11-year-old child who is overweight do?
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2. Physical development

Puberty is approaching or may have begun in an 11-year-old boy. As a result, your son will eat and sleep more. Your baby may complain of muscle cramps and growing pains. Some guys also start to have oily skin, fluff on the top edge, and deeper voices.
Boys at this age are often more aware of what their bodies look like and compare themselves to others. Eating disorders and body image issues aren't just girls' problems. In addition, 11-year-old boys can also begin to experience this condition. Parents can help their children by:
Store healthy foods at home. Schedule a time for the whole family to eat together. Find a sport your child enjoys that encourages him to be active every day. 11-year-old boys are old enough to enjoy team sports (like soccer, basketball), although still in the process of learning more complex skills. Praise your son when he does something well. Don't just comment on your child's appearance.

3. Society

An 11-year-old boy is starting to explore on his own. Don't be upset if your son wants to hang out with his friends more than his parents. The challenge is that most boys at this age begin to try to break the limits and rules set by their parents. They are not afraid of a bad situation and only begin to realize when the wrong action has consequences.
You can help your child by:
Build your child's self-esteem : Peer pressure comes first at this age. Children who feel good about themselves are less likely to make bad choices. Explain the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs: Teach your child ways to say no when asked to try these harmful foods. Make sure you are a good role model for your child. Sex education: Use the right moments in TV shows, commercials or videos to talk to your child about it. Make sure to teach your child the truth and admit it if you're worried. Online safety monitoring : Place the computer your child uses where you can see what your son is doing. Install parental controls and make sure your son knows you're helping them, not invading their privacy.
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4. Emotions

An 11-year-old boy can have mixed feelings as he grows up. Children will be eager and ready for more responsibilities, including housework. On the other hand, your child may feel insecure and have doubts about the future. Many boys this age have low self-esteem.
Parents can support their child by:
Give your son a chance to succeed: For example, enroll him in an art class after school if he has a talent for drawing. You can also give your child a task you know he or she can complete, such as washing the car for the first time. Letting your child fail: Always helping your son will stunt his mental development. So give your child a chance to figure out some problems on his own. Find ways to deal with stress: Help your son avoid stress by getting enough sleep and eating healthy. Spend time with your child every day, even when he doesn't want to talk. Encourage your child to articulate what is bothering her and think of ways to deal with it. If you think your 11-year-old boy is depressed or anxious, talk to your doctor for advice.
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5. Studying

Your 11-year-old son will face more challenges at school this year. The good news is that your child is able to concentrate better than when he was a child, pay attention for a longer period of time, and remember facts more easily. 11-year-olds also begin to have flexible thinking. Children ask more questions and are more likely to know how to check their tasks.
Parents can support their child by:
Talk to their child's teacher: Update report cards and meetings to see how their child is doing throughout the year. Poor grades can be a sign of an attention disorder or even depression. Limit screen time: Whether it's video games, TV, or social media, limit your child's screen time to less than 2 hours a day. Take your child for an eye exam: 11-year-old boys are a common age to need glasses. When boys are 11 years old, children have begun to enter puberty with different psychophysiological, emotional and developmental signs. Therefore, parents need to find out information about children's development in this period to accompany and share to help children be confident and develop the most comprehensively. Besides, parents also do not forget to let their children have regular health check-ups to control general health problems and intervene when necessary.
To improve service quality, now Vinmec International General Hospital offers a General Health Checkup package for children under 18 years old. This is a comprehensive health check-up package, including a full range of basic functional assessment services for children such as: ear, nose and throat examination, eye examination, assessment of liver and kidney function, heart, lung, blood test, and blood test. hepatitis and nutritional status of the baby.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: webmd.com
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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