Pregnant with dengue fever, what to do?

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This article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Nhat - Infectious Disease Specialist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Dengue fever is a dangerous infectious disease that can cause life-threatening complications. Dengue fever during pregnancy poses a risk to the health of mother and baby, especially in the early and late stages of pregnancy.

1. Symptoms of being pregnant with dengue fever

Symptoms of dengue fever in pregnant women are similar to those in other subjects such as:
Sudden high fever accompanied by shivering. Severe headaches, body aches, eye sockets. Poor appetite, loss of appetite, frequent nausea or vomiting. The body is dehydrated, thirsty, urinating less. Shortness of breath Bleeding gums. Red spots appear on the skin, skin tightening does not disappear. Dehydration causes low blood pressure, patients manifest: Shock, rapid heart rate.... Tests show that platelets lower the risk of severe bleeding affecting the patient's life..
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2. Dengue fever during pregnancy is dangerous?

Dengue fever during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that needs to be monitored and properly handled in a timely manner because:
Pregnant women's body resistance is weaker, more susceptible to disease, the condition may be more dangerous than with others Increases risk of pre-eclampsia Increases risk of miscarriage, stillbirth in early pregnancy Increases risk of preterm birth If late in pregnancy and during labor can cause heavy bleeding, Postpartum haemorrhage carries a risk of death for both mother and child.

3. What to do if you have dengue fever during pregnancy?

When you are pregnant with dengue fever or have suspicious signs of dengue fever, pregnant women need to:
Go to reputable medical facilities immediately to get an early diagnosis of the disease and provide treatment directions. Treatment of the disease also depends on the condition of each pregnant woman, so do not arbitrarily buy drugs to use drugs during pregnancy. Pay attention to the state of fever because fever can be dangerous to the fetus, so when the fever is over 38 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to reduce fever with paracetamol 10-15mg/kg of body weight, warm compresses, drink plenty of water, wear cool clothes. When the fever is below 38 degrees Celsius, there is no need to use medicine, just apply warm compresses, drink lots of water, and wear cool clothes. Rest in bed, limit movement as much as possible. Drink a lot of water, use fruit juice such as orange juice... Eating easy-to-digest liquid, porridge or soup helps to provide enough nutrients, reducing the feeling of loss of appetite. Keep a comfortable mood, avoid anxiety that affects the health of mother and baby, comply with the treatment regimen and instructions of medical staff. If you have dengue fever at the end of your pregnancy near the time you are due to give birth, you should choose a large and reputable hospital to give birth. To promptly handle bad cases that occur during and after birth. Dengue NS1 . antigen test

This test is indicated from day 1 to day 5 of illness. If the patient has been sick for more than 3 days (from the end of the 3rd day onwards), even though the dengue fever is indeed present, the NS1 dengue test result may be negative. This is because this test is based on the virus's antigen determination mechanism. In the disease stage from day 4, the level of viral antigen in the blood has dropped to low, so sometimes the test will be negative.
IgM antibody test: IgM appears from 4-5 days after fever. The IgM test helps to determine the presence of antibodies against dengue virus during the acute phase of the disease. However, depending on the level of antibody production of each patient, this test result is positive or not.
IgG antibody test: Replace with: In the primary form (first infection with Dengue), IgG appears on days 10-14 and can persist for many years afterwards. In the secondary form (have had Dengue before), IgG is already present in the blood and increases in 1-2 days
Besides, depending on the situation, the doctor may order some more tests for additional diagnostics such as:
Electrolyte tests (including Na+, K+, Cl-): to assess electrolyte disturbances; Liver function tests (including AST, ALT, GGT): to check liver function, assess damage and detect complications of dengue fever; Quantitative Albumin test: to assess possible plasma leakage for Dengue hemorrhagic fever, to help early recognition and follow-up when the patient has increased vascular permeability; Renal function test (including indicators such as Urea, Creatinine, Cystatin C, MicroAlbuminuria): to probe kidney function and early kidney damage due to complications of dengue fever; CRP test: to assess inflammation, help differentiate the cause of fever and evaluate superinfection due to dengue fever.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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4. Dengue fever prevention during pregnancy

Pregnant women are susceptible to diseases due to weakened resistance, so the best measure is to prevent the disease. Proactively prevent disease by killing mosquitoes, larva, larva and prevent mosquito bites by:
Eliminate mosquito breeding places: Cover all water containers to prevent mosquitoes from entering and laying eggs. fish in water containers, clean water containers, change water in vases regularly, clean living areas. Use mosquito repellent around residential areas. Wear long-sleeved clothing to prevent mosquito bites. Use mosquito nets when sleeping, use mosquito nets with chemicals to repel mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets and incense to repel mosquitoes. Mosquitoes don't like air when it's cold, so when the weather is hot, you can turn on the air conditioner in the bedroom. Dengue fever during pregnancy is very dangerous because there is a risk of affecting the fetus, if there is a lot of blood loss during labor, there is a risk of mother and baby death. Therefore, when there are any symptoms of dengue fever, pregnant women should go to a medical facility for examination, treatment and monitoring of the disease. Actively preventing mosquito bites is the most effective way to prevent dengue fever, pregnant women should actively prevent.
Customers can visit and perform tests to find the cause of dengue fever at Vinmec International General Hospital. With a civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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