Signs of flu in pregnant women

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Before planning to give birth to a baby, many people have actively vaccinated with vaccines, however, if unfortunately there are the following signs of flu in pregnant women, it is also necessary to be aware of any changes in health. The health of the mother during pregnancy has certain effects on the fetus in the womb.

1. Influenza in pregnant women

Influenza is an infectious disease caused by influenza virus group (influenza virus) to sick people, there are many groups of influenza such as influenza A, B, C... in which influenza A and B are the most common. It is important to distinguish between cold and flu signs during pregnancy so that the right treatment can be given.
In the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby begins to form and develop parts of the body, pregnant women have certain changes, especially sensitive to pathogens, especially Their weakened immune systems make them more susceptible to coughs, infections, colds and flu.
In addition, the objective cause for pregnant women to catch the flu may be due to the changing weather or the surrounding environment. Influenza is an acute infectious disease, some strains of influenza virus have the potential to cause birth defects such as cleft lip, premature birth, cataracts or stillbirth.
Influenza in pregnant women is usually benign, however, it can also have serious and dangerous complications, especially in pregnant women with chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases or immunodeficiency.

2. Signs of flu in pregnant women

Pregnant women can get flu all year round, especially in winter, some signs of flu in pregnant women include:
Headache. Nasal congestion and runny nose. Sore throat. Chills. Severe fatigue lasting up to two weeks. Dry cough. Fever. Severe muscle or body pain. Flu symptoms during pregnancy usually come on quickly, are obvious, tend to be more severe, and last for 1 to 2 weeks. If you suspect you have symptoms of the flu, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Bà bầu bị cúm thường rất mệt mỏi

3. Complications of the flu during pregnancy

Pregnant women will have a higher risk of complications than the general population when they catch the flu, one of the most common complications is bronchitis and pneumonia.
In addition, there are other uncommon complications such as: Blood infection causing low blood pressure, otitis media, encephalitis, meningitis, endocarditis...
During pregnancy, if pregnant If you catch the flu, it also puts the mother or baby at risk for premature birth or a low birth weight or heavy baby, rather than stillbirth or death.
Therefore, as soon as you have the first signs of flu during pregnancy, immediately go to the hospital to check and have a timely treatment plan. Only a doctor has enough expertise and qualifications to examine and check the health status of the pregnant woman as well as the degree of influence on the fetus to have specific treatment directions.

4. Effective prevention of flu signs in pregnant women

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Tiêm phòng vacxin là cách tốt nhất để phòng ngừa cảm cúm khi mang thai

In fact, the treatment of colds and flu in pregnant women is often more difficult than in normal cases because using western drugs can cause side effects on the fetus and cause the following condition: Fetal malformation , miscarriage, pregnancy toxicity ... especially in the first 3 months.
Treatment is difficult, but the resistance of pregnant women during this time is also very poor, so it will take time for the disease to heal on its own and there is still a potential risk of complications. Therefore, prevention is extremely important and necessary.
The best way to prevent colds during pregnancy is to get vaccinated to protect both mother and baby, helping to stay safe throughout all stages of pregnancy.
Influenza virus is capable of spreading through the air, so pregnant women need to limit going to crowded places and not come into contact with people who are sick with the flu.
In addition, to avoid catching colds and flu viruses during pregnancy, pregnant women should wash their hands often with warm water and soap. Make sure to eat and rest properly to improve resistance.
Pregnant women with flu should not be subjective to their illness. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy medicine to use when you see signs of flu during pregnancy, but must go to the doctor for advice and prescriptions, reminding of appropriate pregnancy care measures. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs.
In case you have tried to prevent but still have signs of flu during pregnancy, pregnant women can apply folk remedies for treatment such as gargling with dilute salt water, drinking lots of water, drinking lemon. hot or honey water mixed with ginger.
Vinmec International General Hospital provides a full range of vaccinations according to updated protocols with vaccines and vaccination schedules. All biological products and vaccines at Vinmec are of clear origin and of high quality; preserved on the cold chain according to strict standards of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. Customers are carefully examined and screened before vaccination, and their health is monitored after injection to ensure the highest safety and effectiveness of vaccination.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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