Snoring can warn of some of the following health risks:

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Bach - Respiratory Internal Medicine, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Is snoring dangerous if the patient determines what the cause of snoring is and how it affects health. When experiencing any health problems related to snoring symptoms, patients can go to medical facilities for timely detection and treatment.

1. What is snoring disease?

Snoring is the sound made when the upper airway tissues vibrate during sleep. Snoring most often occurs during inspiration but can also occur during expiration. Snoring is a common behavior, occurring in 44% of men and 28% of women between the ages of 30 and 60. When breathing during sleep, due to the amount of air entering through the narrow throat area behind, causing the mucosal tissues The surroundings vibrated, creating a snoring sound.

2. What is the cause of snoring?

In most cases, obstructing the flow of air between the larynx and the nose causes snoring. Snoring is also caused by diseases such as allergies, nasal congestion, too large tonsils, ... Causes of snoring can also be caused by birth defects such as narrowing of the throat, large tongue stalk, and stalks. throat is too long, tongue is thick,...

3. Is snoring dangerous?

In addition to causing discomfort to the sleeper, the person with snoring can also warn of a number of health risks.
Children with snoring often have difficulty falling asleep, thus reducing the quality of sleep, such as not sleeping soundly, not deeply, affecting both physical and intellectual development, because the brain is deprived of oxygen when sleeping. sleep. Snoring in children can also cause sleep apnea. Children who snore will also affect the shape of their faces because their mouths often open to breathe while sleeping.
For adults, when suffering from snoring, sleep apnea, due to the soft tissues, as well as the lining of the throat, blocking the trachea, it will lead to the lungs and brain being deprived of oxygen. In order for the breathing process to return to normal, the brain will send a signal to dilate the throat and trachea. A person with snoring disease, which means having these disorders, will have a higher risk of sleep apnea, affecting sleep quality, making the patient tired because the brain is not fully rested. At a serious level, snoring can also disturb brain waves, reduce memory, work productivity, concentration, mental fatigue ...
Besides, people with snoring disease There is also a risk of other diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack, arrhythmia, and stroke during sleep. Snoring also reduces sexual ability, affecting marital relations.

4. Can snoring be cured?

Nguyên nhân ngủ ngáy còn do thừa cân, béo phì. Do đó, người bị thừa cân nên giảm cân để hạn chế hiện tượng ngáy lúc ngủ
Some simple ways to cure snoring can be done as follows:
Causes of snoring are also due to overweight and obesity. Therefore, overweight people should lose weight to limit snoring. Increasing exercise and sports on a regular basis will help lose and maintain a stable weight, and also help increase the amount of oxygen to the brain. Before going to bed, you should limit, do not drink alcohol before sleeping about 4 hours. The use of sedatives can cause the throat muscles to relax, causing snoring during sleep. Therefore, sedatives or any other drug with such effect should not be used before sleep. Limit eating a lot at dinner, to avoid gas and bloating. Snoring is also caused by allergic rhinitis. Therefore, it is necessary to completely treat this disease so as not to affect sleep. To reduce snoring while sleeping, should lie on your side and keep your head high to make it easier to breathe. In case of complications in the heart or lungs, the patient needs to wear a high-pressure air pump, to bring air into the nose and lungs, helping the breathing process to take place normally. People with cleft palate snoring can use dental appliances to keep the cleft palate from sagging and the trachea from becoming blocked by the small tongue. For severe cases, it is necessary to perform laser surgery to burn the soft parts of the throat. An investigation that should be done is polysomnography to record a series of human physiological parameters during sleep in order to diagnose and assess the severity of sleep apnea syndrome and various sleep disorders.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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