During the 5-year search for her child at Vinmec, happiness beamed at the mother

Ngoc Mai came to Vinmec bored and aching for any chance to bring her children to her and her spouse after three failed IUI implementations in 2014.

Ms. Mai and her husband went to Vinmec IVF Center for an examination in November 2016, and were told they needed to do IVF because the wife is 35 years old, has a limited left fallopian tube, and the elderly husband (OAT - Sperm density is low, weak sperm motility, high abnormality rate), and they had failed IUI three times before. Mai, on the other hand, had four failed embryo transfers after being treated at Vinmec, including one stillbirth at 7 weeks.

In 2018, the specialists at Vinmec IVF Center analyzed the situation and requested a biopsy of the uterine lining - Matrice Lab - since they thought it was a challenging case. Mai had a deficiency in uterine immune cells, according to the findings. Ms. Mai was allowed to halt preparing the uterine lining for the treatment of uterine Immune Cell insufficiency at this point, as long as she followed Matrice Lab's procedure and ensured that the uterine lining was in the best possible condition before completing embryo transfer.

Ms. Mai began the process of prepping the mucosa for the fifth embryo transfer towards the end of 2019. Her Beta-HCG index was 155 after 14 days of embryo transplantation. However, there was no amniotic sac, therefore it was a biochemical pregnancy in the end. Maybe not everyone understands Mai's gloomy and unhappy state of mind? However, Mai's motherhood has given her an unseen power that has enabled her to overcome obstacles and continue her search for "dear," despite the fact that the road ahead is not easy for her. sister who is older. This time, she was joined by Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Chien, Head of the Department of Reproductive Support.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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