No children, should I put an IUD?

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I don't have children, can I get an IUD? I currently use oral contraceptives every day. Will this measure have any effect on future fertility? Thank you doctor!
T (1990)
Hi, the IUD is a highly effective method of contraception that can be applied very widely. But some of the following cases should be avoided
No children History of ectopic pregnancy, tubal reconstruction Coagulation disorders Psychiatric abnormalities that interfere with ring monitoring Heart valve disease Endometriosis Fibroids Genital prolapse stage II, III High risk of sexually transmitted diseases. History of copper allergy, Wilson's disease, abnormal copper metabolism. So in your case, you should avoid pregnancy by daily pills.
Taking birth control pills means putting a certain amount of female sex hormones into the body to prevent or delay ovulation, can prevent egg implantation, change the lining of the uterus and can prevent conception. The effect of the drug also causes the cervical mucus to thicken and thicken to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. As a result, conception will not take place.
Advantages of daily oral contraceptives:
Oral contraceptives are a simple method that does not interfere with sexual activity. Medicines have been proven effective for many years when taken in full and correctly: Use cases have often been linked to misuse, especially forgetting to take a daily dose. Pills are effective in preventing pregnancy from the first days of taking the pill, if started at the beginning of the cycle. The contraceptive effect is completely reversible: As soon as the pill is stopped, a woman will be able to conceive. Master, Doctor Le Nhat Nguyen - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

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