Four ways to prevent cancer need to know

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. A good lifestyle and environment play an important role in preventing cancer. So is there any way to prevent cancer? Follow the following article to get the answer.

Food, exercise habits, sleep quality, lifestyle, environment and lifestyle determine whether you have cancer or not. So how to prevent cancer? Here are four key ways we can help prevent cancer.

1. See food as medicine

Food really has an important powerful effect like medicine. Food affects every organ and system in your body.
Although a healthy diet cannot completely prevent cancer, it can help reduce the incidence of cancer. Just like changing the diet in people with diabetes or heart disease, there are also dietary changes to prevent cancer.
Some foods especially affect cancer that we need to adjust accordingly as follows:
Limit foods that increase the risk of cancer: red meat, processed foods, refined grains, alcohol and sugary drinks. Add more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish. Instead of using supplements, use more spices and herbs.

2. Make sure about the quality of sleep

There is a lot of data on the importance of sleep, there is a link between people with health problems and their sleep.
How does sleep affect our health? Science shows that quality sleep can be just as important as diet and exercise for maximum health. Not getting enough sleep affects our health and ultimately reduces our productivity.
Insufficient sleep over time or without quality restorative sleep weakens your immune system. It promotes weight gain and increases abnormal cell behavior, all of which have been linked to cancer.
To improve sleep quality and create a good night's sleep, you need to create a quiet and dark space, cool temperature.

3. Exercise properly

When exercising, let the body sweat. Exercise intensity is important in preventing cancer. After exercising, we will feel refreshed, this is due to the effect of endorphins - the hormone that gives a feeling of pleasure. Pick an activity that you enjoy and you will easily stick to it. Some activities such as: brisk walking, cycling, hiking, gardening, swimming, jogging, aerobic dancing, basketball... are all healthy physical activities you should do every day. day.
You don't have to go to the gym, you can do it at home or anywhere. The goal is to be physically active for 30 minutes every day and most days of the week. If you can't do it in 30/day then at least start with 10 minutes and work your way up.

4. Acknowledgment of the mind-body connection

One of the ways to prevent cancer is to learn how to manage chronic stress and the harmful inflammation it causes in the body.
You need to take stress seriously and find ways to reduce chronic daily stress. Acknowledge your negative emotions and name them, for example, anger, jealousy, sadness, fear, and then start addressing them.
To manage stress, learn what mindfulness means and start practicing mindfulness techniques. Try breathing techniques that can help calm the body and mind, taking time to enjoy the pleasures. Let go of what you can't control and get support when you need it.
The daily choices we make over time affect an individual's risk of cancer.
In short, there are many ways to prevent cancer. Therefore, to ensure your health, you should proactively take preventive measures early to help improve health and quality of life.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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