Nervous system side effects of cancer treatment

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The article was consulted with Dr. To Kim Sang - Oncology Center, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Nervous system side effects are common in cancer patients. Early detection can help prevent these unwanted effects from getting worse.

1. Overview of the nervous system

The nervous system consists of two main parts, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Central Nervous System (CNS): Consists of the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Consists of nerves located outside the central nervous system, responsible for transmitting information between the brain and the body as well as controlling activities such as movement and movement. movements, senses, and visceral function.

2. Side effects on the nervous system when treating cancer

Patients after cancer treatment may experience unwanted side effects on the nervous system. These side effects may appear soon after treatment or several years after cancer treatment. Symptoms vary depending on where the nervous system is affected.

2.1 Symptoms due to changes in the central nervous system

Patients may experience changes in thinking and cognition such as impaired memory, decreased ability to calculate and solve problems. Feeling dizzy like the surroundings are spinning, balance disorder, nausea, vomiting. Movement coordination is impaired. Seizures/convulsions.
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2.2 Symptoms due to changes in the peripheral nervous system Tingling, numbness or burning sensation in the limbs Weakness, lack of coordination and difficulty in activities such as grasping or walking Urinary incontinence, constipation. Erectile dysfunction
2.3 Symptoms due to changes in the cranial nerves Although the cranial nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system, different side effects can occur here such as: Tinnitus, hearing loss poor vision, blurred vision, even loss of vision Change in smell or taste Problems with speech, unclear speech, slurring Difficulty swallowing

3. What causes the side effects on the nervous system?

Nervous system side effects during cancer treatment can have many causes. Understanding and identifying the main cause can make treatment more effective.
Cancer Some cancers that originate in the spinal cord or brain, or metastasize to the spinal cord/brain, can have negative effects on the central nervous system. In addition, the peripheral nerve being pinched by another tumor is also the cause of the problem.
Chemotherapy Some drugs used to treat cancer, especially when injected directly into the spinal cord, often cause side effects on the nervous system such as:
Platinum-based drugs such as: cisplatin (Platinol) , oxaliplatin (Eloxatin). Vinca Alkaloids: vinorelbine (Navelbine), vincristine (Vincasar), vinblastine (Velban),... Taxane drugs: paclitaxel (Taxol) or docetaxel (Taxotere). Etoposide (Vepeside). Ifosfamide (Ifex) high dose. Cytarabine (Cytosar-U) high dose. High dose methotrexate. Radiation therapy The central nervous system can be affected when a patient receives radiation therapy to the brain or spinal cord.
Meanwhile, the peripheral nervous system may experience side effects when radiation therapy is carried out in other parts such as the neck, head or whole body.
Surgery Biopsy to diagnose cancer or surgery to remove the tumor is also one of the causes of nervous system damage.
Medications Certain drugs can cause side effects on the nervous system, including:
Medical opioid/narcotic pain relievers. Antiemetics. Anticonvulsants, indicated in the treatment of epilepsy.
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4. Treatment of side effects on the nervous system

The side effects of cancer treatment affect the patient's daily activities. Some symptoms may disappear after a few days of finishing treatment, but others are persistent. Although it is not possible to completely prevent the side effects on the nervous system during cancer treatment, if detected early, most cases can be controlled.
4.1 Using drugs
In order to control and treat side effects on the nervous system, the doctor may prescribe some of the following drugs:
Drugs to treat problems in the peripheral nervous system. Corticosteroids help reduce inflammation. Antibiotics treat infections. Medicines to treat dizziness and nausea such as prochlorperazine (Compazine), meclizine (Antivert), scopolamine patch (Transderm – Scop).
Antidepressants such as norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, selective serotonin system drugs, nortriptyline drugs, amitriptyline drugs.

4.2 Rehabilitation

Carry out Occupational Therapy to be able to maintain mobility in daily activities. Treatment with physical therapy (Physical Therapy) helps the body to balance, increase muscle strength, mobility and coordination of movement better. Speech Therapy (Speech Therapy) works to improve the ability to speak and express. Neuro-psychology assists in the assessment and improvement of cognitive function. Above is the basic information about the side effects on the nervous system during cancer treatment. Patients can base on the above symptoms to be able to notify the doctor as soon as possible, in order to limit further complications and at the same time have timely treatment.

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