Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate

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Transrectal ultrasound is one of the most popular subclinical techniques today to examine and diagnose a number of prostate-related diseases in men. Among them, prostate cancer is one of the most deadly cancers.

1. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate

The prostate gland is a large gland in the male body, shaped like a cone with an outer covering of fibrous sheath, the base of the prostate rests on the base of the bladder. In the prostate gland can arise a number of diseases in men, the most common is the period when the man enters middle age.
Common clinical prostate diseases include prostate cysts , prostate enlargement , prostatitis or prostate cancer . Patients will be assigned to perform a number of supportive paraclinical measures, including prostate ultrasound, which is an effective method and greatly aids in the diagnosis.
Prostate ultrasound can be done via abdominal ultrasound or transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. With each technique, it is suitable for each different situation as well as the ultrasound transducer and the patient's preparation before the procedure is also different:
With transabdominal ultrasound, the patient needs to abstain from urinating until when you feel the urge to urinate. With transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, patients do not need to hold their urine in this case, and combined with a rectal examination of the prostate gland can help diagnose some prostate diseases. Compared with other methods, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate has a reasonable cost, high efficiency, and visual details of the patient's prostate.
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Siêu âm tiền liệt tuyến qua trực tràng có chi phí phù hợp, hiệu quả mang lại cao, hình ảnh siêu âm trực quan

2. Transrectal ultrasound in prostate cancer diagnosis

Prostate cancer is a common cancer with a high risk of death in middle-aged men. Clinically, patients may present with bone pain, asthenia; unexplained weight loss; manifestations of anemia; Symptoms of bladder obstruction such as painful urination, frequent urination, ...
To diagnose prostate cancer, transrectal ultrasound makes an important contribution, helping the treating doctor to have a better diagnosis. can identify existing lesions on the patient. According to many studies and statistics, 80% of prostate cancer cases are detected by ultrasound in the outer gland and 75% in the periphery of the prostate, namely under the capsule. outside about 3mm.
Especially, if the tumor is large, it can change the anatomical structure of the prostate gland. Ultrasound can also show the spread of the tumor to nearby tissues such as the vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts, or the vascular proliferation in the tumor tissue also directs the increase in size. tumor size relative to surrounding healthy tissue.
Tiểu buốt tiểu rắt là dấu hiệu của bệnh gì?
Ung thư tiền liệt tuyến có những biểu hiện lâm sàng thường gặp như triệu chứng tắc nghẽn bàng quang gây tiểu buốt, tiểu rắt,...

3. Conclusion

Transrectal prostate ultrasound has high value in diagnosing common prostate diseases in men, including prostate cancer, which is a potentially fatal disease and needs to be diagnosed. early diagnosis for effective treatment. This is an effective, economical, safe, easy-to-implement and quick-response subclinical technique, so it is widely applied today.
When there are any abnormal signs in the prostate, the patient can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment. Currently, Vinmec is deploying an Examination Package to detect and screen for prostate cancer and abnormalities of the urinary tract system, determine prostate status: Size, gland properties, advanced acoustic density prostate.
When registering for the Prostate Cancer Screening Package, customers will receive:
Urological Surgery Examination (with appointment). Quantification of total PSA. Quantification of free PSA. Urinary system ultrasound. Total urinalysis (By automatic machine).

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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