What emotions can the discovery of cancer cause?

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The general psychological development of patients when they learn they have cancer usually goes through 5 stages: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance. Understanding the psychological development of cancer patients through each stage will greatly help in treatment to reduce the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

1. Denial

At this stage, after hearing that they have cancer, the patient is very surprised and surprised, some people even fall into a state of depression, melancholy, irritability with everyone. Then a few days later they turned into a state of doubt whether the doctor or hospital had the right diagnosis or not? They hope the hospital and the doctor misdiagnosed.
Find ways to prove that you don't have cancer and go to many doctors and medical facilities for examination and hope for the possibility of not having cancer. Psychology of patients when they know they have cancer at this stage, psychological counseling is very difficult. Sometimes it is necessary to do a fake test, which means that the patient is not sure that the patient has cancer, but only suspects it...
Usually just a temporary protest. “No, I'm fine”; "That can't happen to me." After that, the cancer patient quickly realized that he was facing cancer - a very serious event.

2. Wrath

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In the second stage of indignation, the cancer patient begins to realize that denial cannot be continued forever. They can throw tantrums and jealousy making communication with them a huge challenge. “Why me, it's not fair at all?”; “How could cancer happen to me? “; "Who caused this?" The more powerful individuals are in life, the more likely they are to erupt in anger and jealousy.
The patient's spirit in the face of cancer gradually reduces stress, believes in the words of doctors and medical staff; hoping that surgery and other treatments will make her feel better. This is the best period for doctors to intervene in treatment and reassure patients.
Collaborate with doctors at this stage who are medical psychologists or nurses with medical psychology skills to help cancer patients who are facing cancer trust, hope and restore good health.

3. Negotiate

The third stage of negotiation involves fear of cancer and the hope that the person with cancer can prolong or delay death. Usually, the psychology of patients facing cancer at this stage is to find ways to negotiate to prolong life. “Just let me live until my kids graduate”; “I will do all I can to live a few more years”; “I understand I will die but I just wish there was more time”...

4. Depression

In the fourth stage of depression, the person with cancer understands that death is certain. As a result, they may become silent, refuse to see visitors, and spend a lot of time crying and grieving. This process causes the patient to cut off contact with things related to love and illness.
This severance has a calming effect on cancer patients, so at this stage should not try to make the patient happy, but let the sadness run its course. "I'm so sad, I'm going to die. Why care about other things?"; “I am about to lose the dearest person in my life.”
At this stage, the fateful beliefs about religion and family will comfort them a lot to overcome the pain, austerity to face cancer.
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5. Accept

In the final stage of acceptance, cancer patients begin to accept death will come to them. “It will be over soon”; "I can't fight it, it's best to be prepared for it."
Patients with terminal cancer, they think less about death, accept death and hope for a future life in another world. During this period, religious help is needed with priests, monks and family members. The role of psychologists in this period is also essential for them to die in hope.
In addition, guilt about losing organs in the body occurs a lot in young people. In young women who have had a mastectomy, psychosexual disorders will occur, sometimes taking several years to overcome.
Therefore, when consulting about surgery, doctors should advise patients with cancer to have early surgery when the tumor is small. In addition to good breast cancer treatment, cancer patients also have the opportunity to reconstruct the breast with artificial materials (breast implants) or with their own materials such as using broad back muscles, rectus abdominis. ...
According to psychologists, cancer patients need to be mentally encouraged and provided with correct treatment information. Avoid going to the charlatans who claim to cure cancer with unorthodox treatments, which only delay treatment and increase the stage of the cancer and are unnecessarily expensive. The final stage is the stage where most hospitals now "abandon" patients with cancer. A lot of suffering comes on the patient and family at this stage as they face cancer and death. Hospitals with palliative care departments should be contacted for intensive hospice care.

Psychological Clinic - Vinmec International General Hospital officially came into operation in April 2019, has the function of examining, consulting and outpatient treatment of psychological problems and psychological health. With modern equipment, Vinmec Psychological Health Clinic is currently cooperating with experienced professors and experts:
MSc. Doctor Nguyen Van Phi - Psychologist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 7 years of experience working as a lecturer in Psychiatry - Hanoi Medical University, Doctor Psychiatrist at Hanoi Medical University Hospital & Central Geriatric Hospital, and a member of the Vietnam Psychiatric Association. MSc. Dr. Pham Thanh Luan - Psychiatrist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 5 years of experience in research and treatment of Psychiatric diseases, trained at prestigious universities professional practice in the French Republic. MSc. Doctor Nguyen Trong Hien - Psychiatrist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 6 years as a lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry - Hanoi Medical University and Central Geriatric Hospital, together with Dr. Experience in research and treatment of diseases in Psychiatry such as: Emotional disorders, stress related disorders and body dysmorphic disorders, developmental disorders in children, adolescents & childbirth .... Along with the combination of implementing psychological tests, intensive psychotherapy for diagnosis and treatment, in order to bring the best medical examination and treatment effect.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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