Uses of Xpovio

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Xpovio is used to inhibit the growth of tumors in the body. When using Xpovio, you may experience some side effects that affect blood cells. You can refer to some shared information about Xpovio drugs below.

1. Uses of Xposio

Xposio drug has the ingredient Selinexor used to inhibit tumors or cell nuclei. When using this substance, some proteins will inhibit the tumor and nutrient transmission to the tumor, by inhibiting the formation of tumor growth and drug cell nucleus Xposio. Studies hope that the drug Xposio can cause cancer cells to gradually die.

2. How to use Xposio

Xposio medicine is made in tablet form, for oral use. Although this drug can be taken in combination with a number of other drugs, it is advisable to avoid potential interactions by consulting with your doctor. When taking a pill, make sure the tablet is swallowed whole. If the drug is crushed or crushed before swallowing, the dosage may be affected. The drug should be taken with filtered water is best.
Dosage of the drug has no general indication. Each case of different patients needs to be prescribed differently to ensure pharmacokinetics. Therefore, always remember the dose prescribed by the doctor to take the medicine on time and in the right dose.
In case you forget to take your medicine, check if you do not need to take the next dose. When you miss a dose and remember it's time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and use the next dose to make sure you take it on time. Taking a supplemental dose at the same time as taking the next dose increases the risk of overdose. That is the reason why many patients experience unwanted side effects.

3. But be careful when using Xposio

Xposio is used in sealed packaging before use, you can check some information on how to use it on the package. In addition, it is necessary to note that the medicine should be stored in a personal medicine cabinet in a cool, dry place to avoid the drug being changed in chemical composition when used. Always check the expiry date of the medicine regularly.
When you are prescribed Xposio, you can buy them at a pharmacy that sells cancer drugs or at a pharmacy in the hospital. Some prescription drugs can be difficult to get, but help with a prescribing doctor can be helpful.

4. Some side effects when taking Xposio

Although Xposio is effective for cancer patients, care should be taken to avoid the risk of a decrease in the number of blood cells. Blood cells such as platelets and red blood cells are at risk of decreasing, causing serious health effects. Patients with low platelets will feel tired and uncomfortable often. For white blood cells, which are anti-inflammatory cells, the patient will have high fever and body aches. Red blood cells are blood cells that carry nutrients to the body. Not having enough red blood cells can increase the risk of anemia.
Vomiting is a possible reaction to allergies or fatigue. When using Xposio, the body is sometimes more sensitive to fats from oils and spices, acidic spices. Patients should eat more ginger or use salt water to balance the acidic environment to avoid vomiting.
Some patients after using Xpovio may appear to have loss of taste or not want to eat, causing weight loss. This is not a good sign for cancer patients, because they need to absorb nutrients to fight the disease. Therefore, you should have a suitable diet and divide your meals to ensure that the amount of food you eat each day has enough energy for your body to function.
When using the drug, signs of diarrhea appear. You can report back to your doctor for a suitable medication plan. In addition, it is necessary to avoid some high-fiber products and use lean red meat with rice to reduce the problem of diarrhea.

5. Xpovio drug interactions to avoid

Currently, there are not many interactions that occur when taking Xpovio with other foods or drugs. However, you should still monitor your health periodically to control body indicators.
Above is some information about Xpovio for reference. You can also go to the hospital for more specific advice from a doctor.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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