Calcet Petites: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Calcet Petites has a dual component including calcium and vitamin D3, used to supplement daily calcium in the treatment of low blood calcium and to help prevent osteoporosis. This is especially significant for people with a milk allergy, lactose intolerance, or simply not getting enough calcium through their usual diet.

1. What is Calcet Petites?

Calcet Petites is a dosage form containing two ingredients, calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, calcium lactate 600 mg 60% and vitamin D as cholecalciferol 750 IU 188%.
Uses of the drug Calcet Petites are used to provide calcium for the body. The calcium component helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition where bones are weak or brittle, easily broken, very common in the elderly or women after menopause. At the same time, the vitamin D component will help the body absorb more and use calcium more effectively. Accordingly, the two components calcium and vitamin D are both minerals that the body needs to function normally, especially serving the needs of rapid growth in a short time on young children and puberty. and pregnant and lactating women.

2. How to use Calcet Petites?

Calcet Petites is available in the form of long-acting tablets, effervescent tablets or chewable tablets or liquid capsules. All of these forms are taken by mouth. However, the most popular Calcet Petites drug product on the market is bottled tablets with a quantity of 100 tablets in a bottle.
When indicated, the doctor will tell you the dose of the drug to be used in accordance with each situation and each subject. Therefore, do not self-medicate or use more than the recommended dose.
However, if the patient is in a group at risk of calcium deficiency compared to the ability to supply, such as young children, adolescents and pregnant women, or at risk of osteoporosis, such as post-menopausal women , the elderly, easy to fall, can actively supplement calcium needed daily. At this time, patients need to use Calcet Petites at the dose according to the instructions on the drug label. In cases where it is not clear how much calcium to absorb in a day, ask your pharmacist or health care professional for advice.
Most calcium supplements should be taken with food while some calcium (such as calcium citrate) can be taken with or without food. Accordingly, it is necessary to ask a pharmacist or read the label on the bottle to see if calcium supplements are needed with meals.
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On the other hand, the use of calcium supplements in general and Calcet Petites in particular always requires a certain amount of water. Specifically, the patient needs to swallow the tablet with a full glass of water. If you are using a carbonated effervescent tablet, dissolve the tablet in an equivalent cup of water. Wait until the tablet is completely dissolved and drink the mixture immediately without leaving it for later.
Normally, calcium supplementation requires one dose per day and ideally in the morning. If more than one dose is prescribed, take each dose at equally spaced times throughout the day, unless your doctor has told you otherwise.
In case a dose of Calcet Petites is missed, the patient should take a dose as soon as he remembers. If it is almost time for your next dose, wait until then and take a normal dose without taking extra medicine to make up for the missed dose.

3. Notes to know when using Calcet Petites

Calcium supplementation is essential, especially in the group of subjects with low blood calcium, potential risk of osteoporosis or high calcium requirements and a diet that does not provide enough mineral sources. this. However, Calcet Petites is still contraindicated for use in subjects who have had an allergic reaction to calcium or vitamin D (ergocalciferol). Additionally, people should not take extra calcium when they have hypercalcemia, especially in sarcoidosis or problems with the parathyroid glands.
Besides, some health problems can also affect calcium intake. Specifically, let your doctor know if you have stomach or digestive problems, such as persistent diarrhea, not absorbing nutrients properly, or not having enough acid in your stomach.
Patients should also not use Calcet Petites or some brands of calcium supplements if they have kidney disease or are on dialysis, because they can harm the health of the kidneys more seriously.
Finally, if you are taking large amounts of calcium supplements or taking medications for a long time, your doctor may need to check your blood calcium levels on a regular basis to make sure the results are within normal threshold. A blood calcium level that is too high or too low can be harmful to the body with acute manifestations or slow lasting effects.
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4. Drug interactions with the drug Calcet Petites

Calcet Petites, which is mainly calcium, can change the way other medicines work if they are taken at the same time. Accordingly, if you need to use other drugs to treat comorbidities, take them at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking calcium supplements. This will be especially important if the person is also being prescribed phenytoin or the antibiotic tetracycline to treat an infection.
Do not take calcium supplements with a high-fiber meal (such as bran, whole grains or bread, fresh fruit). At the same time, the person should also avoid smoking cigarettes or cigars, and do not drink large amounts of alcohol or caffeine (for example, more than about 8 cups of coffee). These factors will effectively reduce calcium absorption.
Tell your doctor if you are also taking other supplements or medications that contain calcium, namely gallium nitrate (Ganite®), cellulose sodium phosphate (Calcibind®) or etidronate (Didronel®).
Calcet Petites may contain phenylalanine (aspartame). This becomes a concern if the patient has phenylketonuria. Therefore, it is necessary to declare this disease to the doctor if it is indicated that calcium supplements are required.
Overall, calcium supplements are safe in most cases. However, the possibility of side effects with Calcet Petites is not excluded, such as persistent headache, dry mouth, loss of appetite, severe constipation.
In a nutshell, Calcet Petites is a coated tablet containing calcium and vitamin D3. The small, easy-to-swallow tablet form helps facilitate the daily treatment of low blood calcium, helps prevent leg cramps and indirectly prevents osteoporosis. This is a safe and convenient option for everyone when the meal is not enough to provide calcium, has a milk allergy, is lactose intolerant but always aims to provide calcium for healthy and strong bones.
Once you know the information about the drug Calcet Petites, the patient should take the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor or pharmacist. Using the right medicine in the right dose will bring a positive effect in the treatment of the disease.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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