Celexa: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Celexa is a medication for depression, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that improves energy levels and well-being. On average, it takes 1-4 weeks for patients to feel the benefits of Celexa.

1. What disease does Celexa cure?

What is Celexa? Celexa contains citalopram, an active ingredient that helps treat depression. Citalopram's mechanism of action is a selective serotoin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which helps to restore the balance of serotonin in the brain, thereby improving energy levels and feelings of well-being.
How to use Celexa is as follows:
The drug is usually taken once daily in the morning or evening, with or without food as directed by your doctor. The dose of Citalopram per dose is prescribed by your doctor based on your medical condition, age, response to treatment, and other medications that the patient is taking. The maximum dosage of citalopram is 40 milligrams per day. If you are using liquid Celexa, measure it using a graduated measuring device. Do not use a household spoon to measure medicine as the correct dose may not be obtained. To reduce your risk of side effects, your doctor may prescribe you to start with a low dose, then gradually increase the dose. Patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions during treatment with Celexa. Patients must not arbitrarily increase the dose, use the drug more than once or use the drug for a longer time than instructed. Improper use of the drug will not make the patient's condition improve faster, on the contrary, the risk of side effects of the drug will increase.
Phụ nữ bị trầm cảm sau sinh bị mất ngủ thường xuyên
Thuốc Celexa giúp điều trị bệnh trầm cảm

It may take 1-4 weeks for people to feel the benefits of Celexa. Accordingly, patients should take the drug regularly to achieve the best treatment effect. Ideally, the patient should take the medicine at the same time of day. Continue taking your medication even if your symptoms of depression improve. Absolutely do not stop taking the medicine on your own, the disease may become worse if the patient stops taking the medicine suddenly. Patients should tell their doctor if using Celexa medicine but the condition does not improve, or even worsens.

2.The side effects of the drug Celexa

During the use of the drug, the patient may have side effects such as nausea, dry mouth, loss of appetite, fatigue, drowsiness, sweating, blurred vision and yawning. Tell your doctor if the above symptoms are severe or persist.
Some serious side effects of the drug include:
Chills frigidity, decreased interest in sex, erectile dysfunction Bruising, bleeding Fainting, fast heartbeat, headless Black stools, clear vomit like coffee grounds Convulsions Eye pain, eye swelling, eye redness; vision changes, pupil dilation; vision change
Đau mắt
Người bệnh sủ dụng thuốc Celexa xuất hiện tình trạng đau mắt đó là một trong các tác dụng phụ nghiêm trọng của thuốc Celexa

Symptoms of Serotonin toxicity syndrome (usually occurs when the patient is also taking other drugs that increase serotonin) such as heart palpitations, hallucinations, agitation, restlessness, loss of coordination, severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, unexplained fever, etc. Although very rare, serious allergic reactions to Celexa can occur with symptoms such as a rash; itching, swelling in the face, tongue, throat; severe dizziness, difficulty breathing,... Not everyone who uses Celexa will experience side effects. Although the above symptoms only occur in a few cases, patients need to be very vigilant. In the process of using the drug, if you experience serious side effects, the patient should go to the medical facilities for timely treatment.
The above listed are not all possible side effects. If the patient notices other effects during the use of the drug not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

3. Precautions when using drugs

Before using Celexa, tell your doctor or pharmacist the following cases:
If you are allergic to Citalopram, Escitalopram or to any other drugs or foods. Personal medical history, especially illnesses such as bipolar disorder, mania; liver failure; convulsions; low sodium; gastrointestinal ulcers; glaucoma; personal or family history of suicide attempts,... Due to the risk of QT prolongation, patients should inform their doctor if they have any medical conditions such as: heart failure, bradycardia, QT interval prolongation in the electrocardiogram; family history of heart problems such as QT prolongation in the electrocardiogram, sudden cardiac death.
Liệu pháp oxy lưu lượng cao qua ống thông mũi được áp dụng cho bệnh nhân mắc suy tim cấp tính
Các bệnh nhân bị suy tim nên thận trọng khi sử dụng thuốc Celexa

Depending on the specific health status of the patient, the doctor will make appropriate adjustments when prescribing.
When using Celexa, low blood potassium or magnesium levels increase the risk of QT prolongation. This risk is increased if the patient is taking Celexa concomitantly with diuretics or if the patient has diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking and your medical condition for advice on using Citalopram safely.
Celexa may cause drowsiness or blurred vision. Do not drive or operate machinery until you have regained consciousness and clear vision. Alcohol can make the drowsiness caused by Celexa medicine worse. Therefore, limit the use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages during treatment with Celexa.
Some subjects need to be especially careful when treating with Celexa, including:
Elderly people: elderly people have a higher risk of side effects of the drug, especially the risk of bleeding, QT prolongation, Electrolyte disturbances, loss of coordination increase the risk of falls. Children: Children may be more sensitive to the side effects of the drug, especially weight loss and loss of appetite. It is necessary to closely monitor the weight and height of the child during drug treatment. Pregnant women: Celexa drug can be harmful to the fetus, so it should only be used by pregnant women when absolutely necessary, under the direction of a doctor. A small number of babies born to mothers who have taken Celexa in the last 3 months of pregnancy may experience symptoms such as difficulty sucking, shortness of breath, convulsions, muscle stiffness, constant crying, etc. Tell your doctor right away if you notice any of the above symptoms in your baby. Lactation: Celexa may pass into breast milk and cause side effects in a nursing infant. Therefore, consult your doctor when using the drug while breastfeeding.

4.Drug interactions

Khi tương tác thuốc Celexa với thuốc Ibuprofen có thể gây chảy máu

Drug interactions can change the effect of drugs or increase the risk of serious side effects for the patient. Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements. Patients are not allowed to use, change the dose or stop any medication without the consent of the doctor.
Some drugs can interact with Celexa that patients need to pay attention to as follows:
Drugs that can cause bleeding such as platelet aggregation drugs (such as clopidogrel), NSAIDs (such as Ibuprofen), anticoagulants (such as Warfarin). ). Aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding when taken with Celexa, but if your doctor prescribes low-dose aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke, you should continue to take it unless your doctor directs you to. other leads. MAO inhibitors (such as isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue, moclobemide, phenelzine, procarbazine, rasagiline, safinamide, selegiline, tranylcypromine) can cause serious interactions with Celexa, which can be life-threatening. Therefore, MAO inhibitors should not be used for two weeks before and two weeks after treatment with Celexa. Some antidepressants include: other SSRIs such as Fluoxetine, Paroxetine; SNRIs such as Venlafaxine, Duloxetine; tryptophan,... when used with Celexa may increase the risk of Serotonin syndrome. Medicines such as antihistamines (such as cetirizine, diphenhydramine), sleeping or anxiety medications (such as alprazolam, diazepam, zolpidem), muscle relaxants, and opioid pain relievers (such as codeine),... when used with Celexa will increase the side effect of drowsiness. Citalopram has very similar properties to Escitalopram. Therefore, do not use medicines containing escitalopram while using citalopram.
Celexa may affect the results of some laboratory tests (such as brain scans for Parkinson's disease). Tell laboratory staff and your doctor that you are taking medication.

5.Other notes when using Celexa thuốc

Thuốc điều trị tăng huyết áp, vì sao phải uống lâu dài?
Nếu bạn quên uống một liều Celexa không được phép uống gấp đôi liều thuốc để bù lại liều đã quên

5.1. Treatment of drug overdose If the patient overdoses and has serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing or fainting. Take the patient to a medical facility for prompt treatment.
5.2. What to do if you forget to take a dose of Celexa? If you forget to take a dose of Celexa, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the usual time. Never take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.
5.3. Storage of the drug Celexa should be stored at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, away from direct light and high humidity. Keep Celexa out of the reach of children to ensure safety.
Along with the treatment with Celexa, patients need to schedule follow-up appointments so that the doctor can monitor the progress of the disease and detect side effects early. Celexa contains Citalopram, an active ingredient that helps treat depression. For the drug to have the best therapeutic effect, the patient must follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: webmd.com

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