Idelalisib drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Idelalisib is used to treat certain types of cancer. The drug works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. However, when using it, care must be taken to minimize unwanted effects.

1. What does Idelalisib do?

Idelalisib belongs to a class of drugs called kinase inhibitors. They work to slow or stop the activity of lymphoma or chronic lymphoma cells.
When used, the drug Idelalisib can recognize certain types of cancer cells, blocking the action of active substances that cause them to divide and grow.
2. Indications and usage of the drug idelalisib 2.1 Indications for the drug idelalisib Idelalisib drug is indicated in the treatment of several types of cancer including:
Lymphoma; Have chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma). 2.2 How to use idelalisib The patient takes Idelalisib by mouth, with or without food as directed by the doctor, usually 2 times per day. Pay attention to swallow the medicine whole, do not chew or crush or mix with water before taking. Dosage is based on your medical condition, age, and response to treatment. Patients do not arbitrarily increase the dose or use the drug Idelalisib more times or longer than prescribed.
Thuốc Idelalisib được sử dụng trong điều trị một số loại ung thư
Thuốc Idelalisib được sử dụng trong điều trị một số loại ung thư

3. Some side effects when using idelalisib

During the use of Idelalisib, some undesirable effects may occur such as:
Less serious side effects: Diarrhea, heartburn, ulcers of the oral or throat mucosa, headache, trouble sleeping... If any of the above side effects of Idelalisib persist or get worse, tell your doctor right away. Serious but not too frequent side effects: Tell your doctor right away if you notice any serious side effects from Idelalisib including: Easy bruising on the skin, easy bleeding, swelling of the table. hands or ankles or feet, sudden changes in vision. The drug idelalisib can often cause a rash, but it's usually not serious. However, it can be difficult to tell if this is a less serious rash or it could be a sign of a serious allergic reaction. Therefore, seek medical help immediately if you develop any rash. Idelalisib can cause a weakened immune system, reducing its ability to fight pathogens, thereby increasing the risk of infection in patients. Therefore, during the use of Idelalisib, you need to contact your doctor when you notice any signs such as: Difficulty in coordination, balance, confusion, lethargy, difficulty speech, difficulty walking, convulsions or symptoms of systemic infection such as fever, cough, sore throat... Idelalisib can cause a very serious allergic reaction. So get medical help right away if you notice any of these symptoms including: Rash, itching or swelling (especially of the face, tongue or throat), severe condition, trouble breathing.
Thuốc Idelalisib có thể gây ra phản ứng dị ứng rất nghiêm trọng
Thuốc Idelalisib có thể gây ra phản ứng dị ứng rất nghiêm trọng

4. Some notes when using the drug idelalisib

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to Idelalisib or any of its ingredients before using it. Do not drink alcoholic beverages while taking Idelalisib because it will increase the side effect of dizziness. Drug interactions can occur, affecting the effectiveness of Idelalisib and increasing the risk of side effects. Therefore, you need to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking, including: Prescription, over-the-counter or herbal medicines. Idelalisib may interact with some drugs such as: rifampicin, drugs that suppress the immune system, drugs domperidone, flibanserin, lurasidone... Before using Idelalisib, tell your doctor about your medical history, especially especially: Liver disease, lung disease, peptic ulcer, current serious infection. Idelalisib is a prescription drug, used by a doctor's prescription, so it is absolutely forbidden to buy drugs for self-use at home. Idelalisib may make you more susceptible to infections or may worsen any existing infections. Therefore, take some steps to prevent infection such as washing your hands with soap often, avoiding contact with people with infections that can be spread like flu, chickenpox, measles, etc. While using idelalisib, do not take the vaccine without your doctor's approval. Take idelalisib exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not share drugs and use the same dosage as others During the use of idelalisib, if you have any unusual symptoms, you need to carefully monitor and go to the hospital as soon as things become serious. important. Taking Idelalisib medicine can make your body easy to bleed and bruise on the skin, so be very careful in all actions, avoid sharp objects that can easily injure the body. Before having any surgery, tell your doctor that you are taking Idelalisib. Tell your doctor if you are having a baby or plan to become pregnant. You should not become pregnant while taking idelalisib because it could harm your unborn baby. Women should avoid pregnancy while taking idelalisib and for 1 month after stopping treatment. Men should ask about reliable methods of birth control while taking this medicine and for 3 months after stopping treatment. Breast-feeding is not recommended while using idelalisib and for 1 month after stopping treatment.
Thông báo cho bác sĩ biết nếu bạn bị dị ứng với Idelalisib hay bất kỳ thành phần nào của thuốc trước khi sử dụng
Thông báo cho bác sĩ biết nếu bạn bị dị ứng với Idelalisib hay bất kỳ thành phần nào của thuốc trước khi sử dụng
In summary, the drug idelalisib is used in the treatment of several types of cancer. Medicines help patients have more hope for the treatment of their disease, but do not self-medicate or share them with others, but need to be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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