Requip: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Requip is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease to improve mobility and reduce tremors, stiffness, slow and unsteady movements. In addition, Requip is also used to treat restless legs syndrome. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.

1. What does Requip do?

What does Requip do? Requip, also known as ropinirole, is used to treat Parkinson's disease. It improves your mobility and reduces tremors, stiffness, and slow and unsteady movements. In addition, Requip is also used to treat restless legs syndrome. Requip may improve your sleep by reducing the need to move your legs and reducing discomfort in your legs. Requip works by restoring the balance of a certain natural substance (dopamine) in the brain.

2. How to use Requip

Use Requip by mouth with or without food in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Dosage depends on your medical condition and response to treatment, usually 3 times a day as directed by your doctor and it may take a few weeks for the medicine to work. Taking Requip with food may reduce nausea. To reduce the risk of side effects such as low blood pressure, drowsiness, etc. When you first use Requip, your doctor will slowly increase your dose until the best dose is reached.
If you are using Requip for restless legs syndrome, take it by mouth, usually once daily with or without food, 1-3 hours before bedtime, or as directed doctor. Let your doctor know if your symptoms increase or get worse early in the morning or if you start having symptoms earlier in the evening or late afternoon.
Use Requip regularly to get the most benefit from it. Absolutely do not arbitrarily increase the dose or abuse the drug for a longer time than prescribed. This not only makes the condition improve faster, but also increases the risk of unwanted effects. If you stop taking Requip for several days, you may need to slowly increase your dose back to your previous dose. Do not stop suddenly, as you may develop withdrawal symptoms (such as fever, confusion, muscle stiffness). To prevent withdrawal symptoms, your doctor will slowly reduce your dose until it stops.
MORE: Parkinson's disease drugs
thuốc Requip
Bác sĩ chỉ định liều lượng thuốc Requip theo tình trạng người bệnh

3. Undesirable effects when using Requip

Some unwanted effects that may occur when using Requip include:
Nausea, vomiting Constipation Dizziness Dizziness Drowsiness Body weakness Abnormal sweats Headache Dry mouth Sudden drop in blood pressure: this happens more when you first start taking it or when you increase your dose or wake up suddenly. Serious side effects: difficulty moving or walking, mental status changes (confusion, hallucinations, depression, memory problems, trouble sleeping), cramps, muscle spasms, decreased ability sexual urges, abnormal urges (such as increased gambling, increased libido) Before prescribing, doctors always weigh the benefits of Requip to outweigh the risks of side effects. However, in some cases when using Requip, unwanted effects may still occur. Therefore, when you see unusual signs, especially when an allergic reaction occurs with accompanying symptoms such as rash, difficulty breathing, severe dizziness, itching or swelling of the face, tongue, and throat. ,... In this case, the patient should immediately notify the medical staff for immediate intervention.

4. Some notes when using Requip

Some notes when using Requip include:
Report a history of allergy to Requip or any other allergies. The product may contain inactive drug ingredients and may cause allergic reactions or other serious problems. Report medical history especially kidney problems, liver problems, high or low blood pressure, heart problems (including irregular heartbeat), sleep disorders (such as sleep apnea, somnolence) sedation ), mental status disorders (such as hallucinations, confusion, schizophrenia, psychosis), etc. To reduce the risk of dizziness and lightheadedness, slowly change position from lying down to sleeping. sit or get up. Pramipexole can cause sudden drowsiness without warning. So do not drive, use machinery or do any work that requires alertness. The risk of sleep disturbance is increased with alcohol or other drugs that can make you drowsy. Therefore, it is necessary to limit alcohol and the use of stimulants. Elderly people may be more sensitive to the side effects of Requip, especially changes in mental status such as hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, etc. Therefore, Requip should be used with caution in patients. Elderly. Requip should only be used when clearly needed during pregnancy, and discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. People with Parkinson's disease may have an increased risk of developing skin cancer. If you notice a change in the shape or size of a mole or other unusual changes in your skin, tell your doctor. medical staff. If you forget to take a dose of Requip for Parkinson's disease, take it again as soon as possible. However, if the time you remember the missed dose is close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the same time as the original dosing schedule. If you are using Requip to treat restless legs syndrome, skip the missed dose. Absolutely do not use twice the dose of the drug than the treatment regimen. Overdosing on Requip can cause serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness,...
lưu ý khi uống thuốc Requip
Bệnh nhân bị rối loạn giấc ngủ nên lưu ý khi uống thuốc Requip

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions can decrease the effectiveness of Requip, or increase the effect of unwanted effects. Tell your doctor about all other medicinal products you are using, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Do not stop, start, or change the dose of any medicine without your doctor's consent.
Some drugs that interact with Requip include:
Antipsychotics: chlorpromazine, thiothixene, haloperidol, Metoclopramide Cimetidine Fluvoxamine Mexiletine Omeprazole Rifamipin Opioid pain relievers or cough suppressants: codeine, hydrocodone,... Alcohol, marijuana Sleeping pills or anxiety relievers: lorazepam, alprazolam, zolpidem,... Muscle relaxants: cyclobenzaprine, carisoprodol,... Antihistamines: diphenhydramine, cetirizine Smoking reduces the level of Requip in the blood.

6. How to store Requip

Store Requip at room temperature, away from moisture and light. Do not store Requip in a humid place or in the freezer. Each medicine will have different storage methods, so read the Requip storage instructions carefully on the packaging, or ask your pharmacist. Keep Requip out of the reach of children and family pets. When the medicine has expired or cannot be used anymore, dispose of the medicine properly. Do not arbitrarily dispose of Requip into an environment such as a plumbing or toilet unless requested to do so. Ask your waste disposal company or pharmacist for advice on how to safely dispose of Requip to help protect the environment.
In summary, Requip is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease to improve mobility and reduce tremors, stiffness, slow and unsteady movements. In addition, Requip is also used to treat restless legs syndrome. However, Requip can cause some unwanted effects and drug interactions, so tell your doctor what medicinal products you are taking to reduce the risk of side effects and increase the effectiveness of your treatment. treatment course.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a high quality medical care address with a team of doctors and pharmacists with many years of experience and good expertise. When having health problems, customers can contact the hospital to be examined and have the best indications for taking medicine.

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