The effect of the drug Bondronate

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Bondronat is an intravenous solution used to prevent and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. When using the drug, it is necessary to have direct supervision from a qualified doctor. The following article will help you know what Bondronat is and how it works.

1. What is Bondronat?

Bondronat (Ibandronic) is a drug belonging to the group of Bisphosphonates, a group of drugs that work to slow or prevent bone loss, making bones strong. Bisphosphonates inhibit the osteoclasts responsible for breaking down and reabsorbing minerals such as calcium from bone (this process is called bone resorption) and allow osteoblasts (bone-building cells) to function properly. More effective, improve bone mass.

2. What is the effect of Bondronat?

Bondronat drug works to slow down or prevent bone loss, making bones stronger, so the drug is used in the process of preventing and treating osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

3. Dosage - How to take Bondronat

The drug is prepared in the form of a concentrated solution for infusion (6ml vial contains 6mg Ibandronic). Your healthcare provider will inject 3mg into your vein at a time, 3 months apart. To increase the therapeutic effect of the drug, you should have a balanced diet, adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation while taking the drug. If you have missed a dose, contact your treating physician so that the missed dose can be re-added as soon as possible.

4. Contraindications when using Bondronat

Cases that cannot be used with Bondronat include:
People with a history of allergy to Ibandronic. Do not use Bondronat when the patient is suffering from diseases such as: hypocalcemia, low vitamin D in the blood, severe kidney disease (renal failure), cancer,... If you are able to stand, you should talk to your doctor about stopping Bondronat. Do not take the medicine after you have just had a dental procedure (teeth, jawbone, etc.) as it may make your problems worse.

5. What side effects does Bondronat have?

While taking Bondronat, you may experience some unwanted effects such as cough, difficulty breathing, a whistling sound may be heard, headache, ringing in the ears, irregular heartbeat, pain or stiffness. muscle pain, pain in the joints, bladder pain, bloody or cloudy urine, difficulty urinating, hot or painful urination, frequent urination, lower back pain or pain on one side.. If you use Bondronate for a long time. , the medicine can lower the amount of calcium in your blood or it can increase your risk of femur fracture so if you experience muscle twitching, numbness or tingling in your fingers, toes or lips, or pain smoldering in the thighs, groin, hips, immediately notify the doctor or medical staff for timely treatment.

6. Be careful when using Bondronat

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, talk to your doctor to weigh the potential benefits versus possible risks before taking the medication. During the use of drugs to avoid interactions that affect the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to inform the doctor about drugs, food, drinks, stimulants (alcohol, tobacco, ...) you just used so your doctor can change the dose, or take necessary precautions. The above article has provided you with basic information about Bondronat and its effects, if you need advice or have any questions, please consult a qualified doctor for advice. answers.

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