Uses of Acyclolife

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Acyclolife has the main ingredient Aceclofenac 100mg, belongs to the group of pain relievers and antipyretics. The drug is indicated in the relief of anti-inflammatory pain caused by toothache, arthritis.

1. What is Acyclolife?

Medicines recommended by doctors to relieve pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid spondylitis.
The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients who are allergic to Aceclofenac or any of its ingredients. NSAIDs are contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not use in patients with severe liver and heart failure. It is also contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment. Pregnant women are in the 3rd trimester (last 3 months of pregnancy). Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, history of bleeding or perforation of the upper gastrointestinal tract have been associated with NSAID therapy. Acyclolife should not be used concomitantly with specific cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors.

2. Dosage and usage

2.1. How to use The drug is prepared in the form of tablets and administered orally. In order for the drug to be effective, the patient should take 1 tablet without chewing or dissolving the drug before taking it. The best time to take the medicine is during or after eating.
2.2. Dosage For adults: The recommended dose is 200 mg per day, divided into 2 doses, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. For children: There are no clinical data on the use of Aceclofenac for children, the doctor recommends not to use this drug for children. Elderly: Use the usual dose as above, since the pharmacokinetics of Aceclofenac are unchanged in elderly patients, there is no need to change the dosage of the drug. Renal Impairment: There is no need to change the dosage of Aceclofenac. Hepatic Impairment: The dose of Aceclofenac should be reduced in patients with hepatic impairment and a single daily dose of 100 mg may be used for the initial period of treatment. Note: Acyclolife can be used for the elderly, usually with drugs belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, when applying the dosage to elderly patients, patients need to be cautious because of the risk of causing some side effects. undesirable effects such as impaired renal, cardiovascular or hepatic function. In cases where medication is necessary, it is recommended to use the lowest dose and use it for the shortest time. Furthermore, during treatment, regular monitoring is required for possible reactions such as gastrointestinal bleeding.
Symptoms of drug overdose include: Headache, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, gastrointestinal bleeding... Some cases of drug overdose will experience more severe reactions such as poisoning. Severe, acute renal failure and liver damage may occur.
At that time, the patient will be treated according to the symptoms encountered. Within an hour of taking a potentially toxic dose, the administration of activated charcoal may be considered to clear the body of toxins. Or in adults, gastric lavage may be indicated if there is a life-threatening risk.
Patients should pay attention to the following factors:
Need to closely monitor liver and kidney functions. The body must be monitored for at least 4 hours after ingestion of a potentially toxic dose. Treat seizures with intravenous diazepam. The doctor may prescribe other measures depending on the clinical condition of the patient. Routinely used therapies such as dialysis or blood transfusion may not help clear the NSAID.

3. Side effects

Most adverse drug reactions are reversible and rarely serious.
Some common reactions such as digestive disorders, indigestion; abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea and sometimes dizziness. Skin effects include pruritus and abnormal levels of liver enzymes and serum creatinine. Hematologic effects such as non-regenerative anemia Other reactions such as tinnitus, photosensitivity, increased risk of colitis and Crohn's disease, angioedema, benign lymphocytic meningitis (especially especially common in patients with immune disorders, mixed connective tissue disease)...

4. Drug interactions

When used concurrently with potassium-sparing diuretics, serum potassium levels should be monitored as diuretics may increase the risk of nephrotoxicity.
Anticoagulants: Similar to other NSAIDs, Aceclofenae may increase the activity of anticoagulants such as warfarin. Therefore, patients should be closely monitored for health while using Aceclofenac in combination with anticoagulants. Antidiabetic drugs: Clinical studies have demonstrated that diclofenac co-administered with antidiabetic agents will not affect clinical efficacy. However, there are still cases of patients with hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia while taking Acyclolife. Therefore, it is necessary to change the dose of antidiabetic drugs when necessary. Methotrexate: If Acyclolife is used with ehotrexate, the two drugs should be separated, and should be used 24 hours apart, because NSAIDs can increase plasma concentrations of methotrexate. Mifepristone: Acyclolife must not be taken for 8-12 days after taking mifepristone because NSAIDs can reduce the effect of mifepristone. Ciclosporin: Increases the nephrotoxicity of ciclosporin. Quinolone Antibiotics: Interactions between quinolones and NSAIDs have resulted in a convulsive reaction, which is common in patients with a history of seizures or convulsions. Other analgesics: Avoid concomitant use of two or more NSAIDs (including aspirin) as it increases the risk of undesirable effects. Antihypertensives: Reduces antihypertensive effect. Corticosteroids: Increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Tacrolimus: Increased nephrotoxicity when used concomitantly with NSAID drugs with tacrolimus.

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