Uses of Ailaxon

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Ailaxon drug belongs to the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to treat gout and bone and joint diseases. What drug Ailaxon is, dosage and note when using will be provided in the following article.

1. What effect does Ailaxon drug have?

Ailaxon drug has the main ingredients Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen, is prepared in the form of tablets, packed in the form of a bottle of 100 tablets, a box of 5 blisters x 20 tablets, a box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets, a box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets.
The effect of Ailaxon drug is proven effective in the following cases:
Treatment in bursitis, arthritis, muscle pain, back pain, rheumatism and sports injuries; Effective in reducing pain and inflammation in dentistry, obstetrics and orthopedics; Effective in reducing headaches, toothache, dysmenorrhea, pain caused by cancer; Effective in reducing fever. On the other hand, in patients with advanced liver disease, viral hepatitis or alcoholism, severe renal impairment, nasal polyps, bronchospasm, angioedema, history of anaphylaxis or allergy due to aspirin or other NSAID, peptic ulcer will not be indicated to use Ailaxon drug.

2. Dosage of the drug Ailaxon

For adults: The recommended dose is 1 tablet / time, maximum 8 tablets / day and each tablet is 4-6 hours apart; For children: The pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and side effects will be different between children and adults. Furthermore, children are not subject to inclusion in clinical trials of drugs prior to marketing authorization of a new drug. Using drugs for children should be very careful, even if the drug has not been warned. In case the patient overdoses and is in a dangerous condition, the family member should immediately take the patient to the nearest medical facility. Family members need to inform the doctor about the medications the patient is taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and dietary supplements. This helps doctors have important information and appropriate treatment for the patient.
In case the patient forgets to take a prescribed dose, the dose should be supplemented as soon as possible. However, when the time of detecting the missed dose is very close to the time of taking the next dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose as scheduled. Avoid taking double the prescribed dose.

3. Ailaxon side effects

Common: Occurrence of gastric ulcer, hepatitis; Rare: Feeling of dizziness, anxiety, irritation, congestive heart failure, renal failure, cystitis, polyuria, atopic dermatitis, erythema multiforme, Stevens Johnson syndrome, anemia. Note: The above is a list of possible side effects during treatment with Ailaxon drug, but the above list may not be a list of Ailaxon drug side effects. If a patient experiences any unsettled health conditions during the course of using the drug, he/she should notify the treating physician immediately and seek advice on appropriate solutions.

4. Be careful when using Ailaxon drug

Patients with kidney disease, anemia, bronchial asthma need to be careful when using the drug; Pregnant women, the elderly will not be allowed to take the drug; Breastfeeding women: The drug can be excreted in milk and passed into the baby's body when the baby is breastfed. Therefore, women who are breastfeeding should be cautious when using the drug, only use it when carefully weighing the benefits and risks, and consult a doctor before use. Antagonism or synergy can occur if patients take two or more drugs at the same time. The best drug storage temperature is 15-30 degrees Celsius, avoid sunlight and avoid freezing the solution or oral suspension. Keep medicine out of reach of children and pets. Always check the expiry date of the medicine before using it;

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