Uses of Am Dexcotyl

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Am Dexcotyl is one of the prominent products belonging to the group of muscle relaxants and hypertonics, often used in supportive treatment of spasms that lead to pain in such as spinal posture disorders, diseases related to spinal problems. contraction condition.

1. What is Am Dexcotyl?

Am Dexcotyl is a medicine containing the active ingredient Mephenesin 500 mg. The drug has a good effect on the central nervous system, is commonly used in the symptomatic treatment of spasmodic myalgia for musculoskeletal diseases.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Point

Am Dexcotyl is indicated in the supportive treatment of spasms leading to internal pain, including:
Postural disorders of the spine with problems such as back pain, torticollis, low back pain. Some common diseases associated with spondylolisthesis. People often experience back spasms.

2.2. Contraindications

Am Dexcotyl is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient Mephenesin or any of the ingredients in Am Dexcotyl. Children under 15 years old, people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Am Dexcotyl should not be used in patients with porphyria.

3. Dosage and how to use Am Dexcotyl

For adults and children over 15 years old, take 2 to 4 tablets each time, use 3 times per day (Equivalent to 6 to 12 tablets of 250mg per day). You should take the medicine with a full glass of water to reduce stomach and intestinal irritation. You absolutely do not crush or break the medicine, chew the medicine before swallowing.

4. Side effects

During the use of Am Dexcotyl, anaphylaxis may occur in some cases. In particular, the most common are skin allergies, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting.
When side effects of the drug appear, the patient should stop using the drug and immediately report it to a specialist. You can also visit medical facilities to be examined by a doctor and recommend appropriate treatment to avoid health hazards.

5. Drug interactions

Am Dexcotyl has the potential to interact with alcohol and other CNS depressants leading to a change in the therapeutic effects of these drugs. In addition, inappropriate drug use also increases the incidence of serious side effects that affect health. Therefore, you need to inform your doctor about the drugs you are using before taking Am Dexcotyl.

6. Be careful when using drugs

In the process of using Am Dexcotyl, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
Mephenesin ingredient in Am Dexcotyl has the ability to cause drowsiness and dizziness. Therefore, people who often drive or operate machinery need to be very careful when using the drug. Pregnant women should not use Am Dexcotyl because the excipients in the drug have the ability to affect and cause adverse effects on mother and baby. The active ingredient Mephenesin in Am Dexcotyl has the ability to be excreted in breast milk, causing poisoning in babies. Therefore, the drug is also contraindicated for this subject. Use caution when using the drug for people with a history of or are suffering from some respiratory diseases, impaired liver function, impaired kidney function, muscle weakness.

7. Handling when missed dose, overdose Am Dexcotyl

If you miss a dose of Am Dexcotyl, you can skip it and continue with the next dose. Do not take two doses close together or double the dose increases the risk of side effects.
The use of Am Dexcotyl drug overdose can shock the body and cause many serious reactions such as hypotension, visual disturbances, decreased muscle tone, respiratory paralysis.
Because the drug overdose causes the body to appear serious reactions, the patient needs to be treated at the hospital for the best support from the doctor.
The above article has provided basic information about uses, dosage, ingredients, contraindications and things to note when using Am Dexcotyl in the treatment of diseases. However, the information about the drug is for reference only, so the patient should actively contact a specialist, use the drug when required and specific instructions from the doctor.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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