Uses of Apizite

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Apizit medicine contains the main ingredient is adapalene 10mg, a drug specialized in the treatment of dermatological diseases such as acne. Apizit drug is prepared in the form of gel, tube 5g, 10g, 15g. So how does the drug work and in what dose?

1. Indications - Uses of Apizit

Apizit medicine contains the main ingredient is adapalene 10mg, Apizit medicine is used to treat the following cases:
Acne: papules, inflammatory pustules Acne on the face, chest, back. Uses of Apizit:
Active ingredient Adapalene in Apizit is a retinoid compound with anti-inflammatory activity. Apizit drug is poorly absorbed through the skin, the drug is distributed into some tissues and is most abundant in the liver. The anti-inflammatory mechanism of Apizit is the inhibition of the chemotactic and hyperactive responses of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and also the metabolism by clipoxidation of arachidonic acid to proinflammatory mediators. Adapalene has the same mechanism of action as tretinoin by binding to nuclear-specific retinoic acid receptors, but differs from tretinoin in that it does not bind to cytoplasmic receptor proteins. When using Apizit on the skin, it has an anti-acne effect and also has an effect on the abnormalities of the keratinization and differentiation of the epidermis.

2. Dosage - How to take Apizit

How to use: Before applying Apizit you need to clean the affected area such as: face, back, chest. Then clean your hands. Take an appropriate amount and apply on the affected area with acne.
Dosage: Apply once a day in the evening, before going to bed.
If severe sensitization or irritation occurs, the use of apizit should be discontinued and the doctor informed. Do not apply Apizit in contact with eyes, mouth, nasal cavity or mucous membranes. Do not apply apizite to broken, eczema-prone skin. Do not use apizit for pregnant women and lactating women. The above dosage of Apizit is for reference only. Depending on the medical condition, the severity of the acne, the doctor and medical staff give a specific dose for each patient.
In order for Apizit to achieve the best effectiveness as well as ensure the safety for users, you should consult a doctor, an expert pharmacist for specific advice on dosage, how to use in the most reasonable and accurate way.

3. Contraindications to using Apizit

Contraindicated to use Apizit in patients with any manifestations of hypersensitivity or irritation to Adapalene, as well as to other excipients contained in Apizit medicine.

4. Apizit drug interactions with other drugs

Concomitant use of Apizit with other topical agents can cause additive effects: heat, stinging under the skin, peeling, dryness or irritation,...
So if you are using any Any other medications or creams or dietary supplements should be informed to your doctor to avoid possible adverse interactions.
Drug Apizit is a drug that works to treat acne on the face, back and chest. However, to ensure safe use of Apizit, the correct indications and dosage, you need to take the drug exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you have any further questions about the drug or its side effects, please consult your doctor/pharmacist for advice.
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