Uses of Bidisamine 250

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Bidisamin 250 belongs to the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, treating gout and osteoarthritis. In order for the treatment with Bidisamin 250 to be safe and effective, the patient should follow all instructions given by the doctor.

1. What is Bidisamin 250?

Bidisamin 250 is in hard capsule dosage form, packed in box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets. The drug contains the main ingredient Glucosamine sulfate (in the form of D- Glucosamine sulfate.2KCl) with a content of 250mg.
Glucosamine component of Bidisamin 250 has the ability to participate in the synthesis of the components of articular cartilage.
Effect of Bidisamin 250:
Glucosamine is an amino-monosaccharide - a raw material for the synthesis of proteoglycan. When absorbed into the body, Glucosamine stimulates cells in articular cartilage to increase synthesis and polymerization of normal proteoglycan structures. The result is the creation of muco-polysaccharide - the basic building block for the head of articular cartilage. The ingredient Glucosamine sulfate also inhibits enzymes that destroy joint cartilage such as Phospholinase A2, Collagenase and reduces Superoxide free radicals (destroying cartilage cells). In particular, Glucosamine also has the effect of stimulating the reproduction of bone connective tissue and reducing bone calcium loss.
Glucosamine's ability to increase the mucus production of synovial fluid also helps increase the viscosity and lubricating capacity of synovial fluid. As a result, it helps patients to quickly reduce the symptoms of pain, difficulty in movement of osteoarthritis. It also improves joint cartilage function and prevents the disease from getting worse.

2. Uses of Bidisamin 250

2.1. Indications of the drug Bidisamin 250 Bidisamin 250 is used to reduce symptoms of mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis, in pathologies such as:
Knee osteoarthritis; Osteoarthritis of the hip ; Degenerative spine ; Shoulder osteoarthritis ; Periarthritis ; Osteoporosis ; Atrophic fractures; Chronic and acute arthritis. 2.2. Contraindications of Bidisamin 250 Bidisamin 250 is not used to treat people with a history of hypersensitivity to glucosamine sulfate components.

3. Dosage and how to use Bidisamin 250

How to use: Bidisamin 250 for oral use. Patients should take Bidisamin 250 15 minutes before eating.
Treatment of mild and moderate osteoarthritis syndrome: Take 1 tablet / time x 2 times / day. In case of severe disease, after 2 weeks, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets x 2 times/day. Then use the maintenance dose for 3-4 months with a dose of 2 tablets / time x 2 times / day. Note: Bidisamin 250 dosage above is for reference only. The specific dose of Bidisamin 250 will depend on the condition and the progression of the disease. To have a suitable dose of Bidisamin 250, patients need to consult a doctor.

4. Side effects of Bidisamin 250

Side effects of Bidisamin 250 appear quite few and stop at a moderate level. However, you should not be subjective, please note if there are symptoms such as:
Dizziness; Headache ; Muscle pain; Diarrhea ; Stomachache. If experiencing the above symptoms, the patient should stop using Bidisamin 250 and notify the doctor or pharmacist for appropriate treatment.

5. Interaction with Bidisamin 250

Bidisamin 250 may increase the concentration or speed leading to the risk of side effects or overdose. Although there are currently no reports of interactions between Bidisamin 250 and other drugs. However, to be on the safe side, the patient should give enough medical records and a list of products being used to the doctor. Based on the information provided, the patient will be advised in detail about Bidisamin 250 and the risks of interactions.

6. Note when using Bidisamin 250

Patients need to carefully read the instructions for use before taking Bidisamin 250. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor if they want to use Bidisamin 250. Carefully weigh the benefits and risks before taking them. Absolutely do not use when Bidisamin 250 has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Drivers or workers who operate machinery should be careful when using Bidisamin 250 because the drug can cause dizziness and headache. Above is all information about Bidisamin 250, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Bidisamin 250 for home treatment because there may be unwanted side effects.

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