Uses of Bumesot Tab

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Bumesot Tab is known for its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions requiring anti-inflammatory drugs. Before using Bumesot Tab, patients should carefully read the instructions before use and consult the doctor's and professional pharmacist's instructions.

1. Composition and uses of Bumesot Tab

What is Bumesot tab drug? First, Bumesot tab has the main ingredient Nabumetone 500mg, the drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets.
According to information from the manufacturer, Bumesot tab is effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions requiring anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, doctors and pharmacists also prescribe drugs to treat a number of other diseases.
Bumesot tab is a prescription drug, so patients should only use it when they have been examined and checked for health. Self-medication without a prescription is always very risky.

2. Dosage of Bumesot Tab

The dose of Bumesot Tab will depend on each person's medical condition, age, and current health. Patients can refer to the following dosage:
Adults: 500 mg x 2 times/day orally before going to bed. For severe and prolonged cases: add 500 mg - 1000 mg in the morning, the maximum dose is 1.5 g - 2 g/day. Elderly people: no more than 1 g/day and should consult a doctor carefully when using this drug.

3. Important notes when taking Bumesot tab

3.1 Objects contraindicated to use Bumesot tab With ingredients and active ingredients in the drug, Bumesot tab is contraindicated for the following subjects:
The drug should not be used for people who are sensitive and allergic to the ingredients of the drug. Subjects sensitive to Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should not take the drug, unless directed by a doctor. Patients with peptic ulcer disease are in the advanced stage. People with liver failure, cystic heart failure and people with kidney failure Children under 15 years old are strictly forbidden to use the drug. Pregnant and lactating women should not take the drug. Because this can affect the development of the fetus as well as young children. 3.2 Side effects when taking Bumesot tab Subjects experiencing side effects when taking Bumesot tab are usually not many. This condition usually occurs most often in patients who abuse drugs, overdose or arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose.
Some side effects may occur during the use of the drug such as:
Stomach - intestines: Feeling of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, indigestion, abdominal pain, black stools.. These manifestations are common in many older people. Allergies: Shortness of breath, bronchospasm, itching and urticaria Genitourinary system: menorrhagia, jaundice... these manifestations are usually quite rare In addition, depending on the location of each person, some reactions may occur. Other side effects may occur. When noticing that the body has an unusual reaction, the first thing the patient should stop taking the drug and contact the doctor, the pharmacist who prescribes it for advice on whether to continue taking the drug or not.
3.3 Overdose and missed dose what to do? Overdose: Drug overdose is a condition that causes many dangerous health problems. Therefore, when taking an overdose, the patient should contact the doctor, pharmacist for instructions on how to handle it appropriately. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor health during this time regularly, if the body shows strange reactions, it is necessary to immediately go to the nearest medical center.
Missed dose: In many cases, patients often forget to take a dose when using the drug. Compared to an overdose, a missed dose is usually not very dangerous. However, if you miss a dose regularly, it will definitely affect and prolong the treatment time. Therefore, try to minimize missed doses. When the missed dose is detected less than 2 hours later, the patient can still take the missed dose. In case the missed dose is more than 2 hours, the patient should skip it and do not need to take a make up dose.
3.4 Does Bumesot tab interact with foods and drinks? In order for the drug to have the best effect in the treatment of the disease, the patient should minimize or should not use alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic beverages or fermented foods during the time of taking the drug. may affect the drug and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
3.5 Interactions that occur when taking Bumesot tab To minimize interactions between drugs, patients should note the following issues:
Avoid using at the same time 2 or more non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because it can adverse health effects occur. Do not take antihypertensive drugs with Bumesot tab Diuretics: Do not take diuretics during this time Share with your doctor, pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking so that your doctor can adjust appropriate dose and safe for health. Above is important information about Bumesot tab, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use and follow the instructions of a specialist doctor before using it to achieve the best results.

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