Uses of Cetecologita 400

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Cetecologita belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, indicated for the symptomatic treatment of psychosomatic syndromes and neuropathies. So what is the use of the drug and what should be paid attention to when taking it?

1. What is Cetecologita?

Cetecologita has the main ingredient Piracetam - an active ingredient that improves the metabolism of nerve cells. Piracetam is a cyclic derivative of gamma aminobutyric acid, GABA, which is a stimulant. The drug acts on a number of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenalin, acetylcholine, ... to change neurotransmitters, leading to better nerve cell activity, maintaining energy synthesis. in the brain.
Cetecologita also increases dopamine release, improves memory but does not reduce pain, sedation or induce sleep. In addition, the drug reduces platelet aggregation and helps red blood cells recover function after deformation and restore the ability to penetrate capillaries.
The drug is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, crosses cerebrospinal fluid, placenta and breast milk. It is then excreted by the kidneys.

2. Indications of the drug Cetecologita

Cetecologita is indicated in the following cases:
Psychosis. Brain cell damage after stroke, ischemic brain. Symptoms of disorders of the peripheral nervous system or central brain: headache, dizziness, delirium, ... Senility, coma, confusion. Carbon monoxide poisoning and sequelae of poisoning. Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholic patients. Muscle tremors.

3. Contraindications of the drug Cetecologita

Cetecologita drug is not contraindicated in the following cases:
Allergy to piracetam or any other ingredient of the drug. The drug crosses the placenta and breast milk, so it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Note when using the drug Cetecologita 400
Elderly people need to monitor kidney function, neuropsychiatric manifestations closely. Epilepsy patients should use caution when taking the drug. Carefully weigh the benefits of using the drug for pregnant and lactating women. Patients with myasthenia gravis, hepatic coma, peptic ulcer using Cetecologita should be cautious. Discontinue the drug as soon as there are signs of damage on the pathological organs.

4. Interactions of Cetecologita

Central nervous system stimulants, psychotropic drugs, thyroid hormones can change the pharmacological effects of Cetecologita.
Alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic foods can change the composition of the drug.

5. Dosage and how to use Cetecologita

How to use
Take medicine after or during meals. Swallow the tablet whole with an adequate amount of water.
Psychosomatic syndrome in the elderly: 3 - 6 tablets (400mg tablets)/day. The maximum dose is 12 tablets (400mg tablets)/day. Alcoholic patients: 12g/day in the early stages. Maintenance dose: 2.4g/day. After brain damage: 9-12g/day in the first stage, after that: 2.4g/day. Use for 3 weeks. Sickle cell anemia: 160 mg/kg/day, divided into 4 doses. Myoclonic tremor: 7.2 g/day, divided into 2-3 doses. The maximum dose is 20g/day.

6. Side effects of the drug Cetecologita

Some unwanted effects may be encountered when taking Cetecologita:
Anaphylactic reactions (rare). Itching, erythema, allergic rash. Feelings of restlessness, anxiety, excitement, fatigue. Sleep disorders . Digestive disorders. Thus, Cetecologita is a psychotropic drug that improves the metabolism of nerve cells thereby reducing symptoms of headache, fatigue, decreased nerve conduction,... The drug must be indicated and directed. doctor's instructions.

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