Uses of Comthepharm

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Comthepharm's main ingredients are Sodium chondroitin sulfate 100mg, Retinol palmitate 2500IU, Choline hydrogen tatrate 25mg, Riboflavin 5mg and Thiamin hydrochloride 20mg. The drug is indicated in the treatment of eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, night blindness, visual impairment and other eye diseases.

1. What is Comthepharm?

Comthepharm is a drug prepared in the form of capsules, the composition of which includes Sodium chondroitin sulfate 100mg, Retinol palmitate 2500IU, Choline hydrogen tatrate 25mg, Riboflavin 5mg and Thiamin hydrochloride 20mg.
Comthepharm is indicated in the treatment of eye diseases including eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, night blindness, visual impairment... common in office workers and people who work a lot with computers.

2. Contraindications

Comthepharm is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the drug's ingredients, an excess of vitamin A in the body, pregnant women, children, people with liver and kidney failure and people with digestive diseases.

3. Dosage-How to use

How to use: Comthepharm is used orally, after meals. Dosage: Adults take 1 tablet/time, 2 times/day.

4. Caution

Some things to note before using Comthepharm include:
Use caution when using for pregnant and lactating women; Be careful when using Comthepharm with subjects driving and operating heavy machinery, because the drug can cause a feeling of dizziness, loss of balance. Carefully read the instructions for use of Comthepharm before use. At the same time, fully inform the doctor about your current condition, medical history, allergies, pregnancy, lactation...

5. Side effects

Possible side effects when treated with Comthepharm include:
Fatigue, headache; Allergies, itching, rash; Nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea; Dry mouth . If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Comthepharm and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

6. Drug interactions

There are currently no reports on drug interactions between Comthepharm and other drugs. However, when you go to the doctor, you should still tell your doctor about any medications, vitamins, minerals, and herbal products you are taking.

7. Missed dose

If you miss a dose of Comthepharm, take it as soon as you remember, if it is almost the next dose, skip the missed dose and use the next dose as usual, do not double the dose.

8. Overdose

Comthepharm should not be used in excess of prescribed drug, in case of overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and treat acquired symptoms.
Above is all information about Comthepharm, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Comthepharm medicine at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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