Uses of Comvogel

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Comvogel is a topical cream with a combination of ingredients, which helps treat the condition of acne. Especially used with pustules, inflammatory acne... To understand more about the drug, learn about the composition and use of the drug through the article below.

1. What is Comvogel?

Comvogel has the main ingredients Isotretinoin (0.5mg/g), Erythromycin (20mg/g) and is packaged in topical cream, 10g in tube.
Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic with bacteriostatic action against most gram-negative and gram-positive acne bacteria. Because when there is acne due to the blockage of the pores, creating conditions for bacteria to grow and cause an inflammatory response. When this antibiotic is applied to the skin, erythromycin has an anti-inflammatory effect, killing the bacteria that cause acne. When using this substance as a cream on the skin, it absorbs quickly and has a good effect. Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A. This is the drug used to treat acne, because this ingredient helps reduce secretion and stimulates the sebaceous glands, thus reducing the risk of clogging the sebaceous glands and causing acne. Reduces inflammation associated with increased secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands, which causes irritation and scarring, especially in cases of severe acne. This substance also has the property of peeling off the stratum corneum on the skin, thereby helping to shorten the time of renewal of epidermal cells, stimulating the regeneration of connective tissue. When used Isotretinoin is very little absorbed through the skin. Most of the astringent is located on the surface of the skin, creating a local effect, a small amount penetrates into the epidermis and dermis. Plasma concentrations of the drug are so low that they are undetectable, but very small amounts have been observed in the urine, which is related to the use of topical drugs in pregnant women, as a High levels of this substance in the blood can also increase the risk of harm to the unborn baby.

2. What does Comvogel do?

Thanks to its effect on the secretion of sebum and bacteria on the skin, it is indicated for use in the treatment of all types of acne, including:
Non-inflammatory acne with comedones. Inflammatory forms of acne with scabs and pustules, this medication is especially good for oily skin. This medicine is not used for the following cases:
People who are sensitive to erythromycin or isotretinoin or any of the ingredients. Do not use this medicine for pregnant and lactating women.

3. How to take Comvogel

3.1. How to use Wash hands and skin to be treated before applying the medicine. Use your hands to apply a sufficient amount of gel to the acne-affected skin about 1-2 times per day. Then close the cap of the vial to prevent contamination of the medicine. Store the medicine in a dry place out of direct sunlight and out of the reach of children. Treatment should be continued for 9-12 weeks depending on the condition of the skin. Or treat as prescribed by your doctor. Notes when using the drug:
You may not have observed your acne skin condition improve for a few weeks before starting treatment. But be patient because the condition may improve later. Do not apply too much of this medicine because it can cause redness, dryness and irritation of the skin.

4. Comvogel side effects

Side effects you may experience when using this topical acne cream include:
You may experience local skin irritation such as redness, burning sensation, dry skin, peeling skin. This feeling is worse with high doses. Acne may lessen but may increase inflammatory symptoms during treatment. Usually this skin condition is temporary for the first time and should not be stopped, but you may need to reduce the number of applications. In some cases, when using, there was a temporary increase or decrease in skin pigmentation. Inform your doctor immediately of any unwanted effects that you experience while using the medicine.

5. Things to keep in mind when using Comvogel

During the treatment, your skin is more sensitive to the sun, so you should avoid the sun during the treatment. You need to use protective gear and use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when outdoors. Avoid using bath salts as they increase sunburn. Do not apply or use this medicine while your skin is sunburned. When using the drug, it should be noted that the medicine should not be left in the skin folds and the corner of the nose. Avoid contact with eyes or eyelids. If this happens you need to wash it off immediately with water. If you find yourself pregnant while taking the drug, stop treatment and consult your doctor for advice. You should not take this medicine while you are breastfeeding. This drug should not be used concurrently with other preparations containing a stratum corneum exfoliant. Comvogel is a topical acne cream to be used under the direction and control of your doctor. During treatment, if you encounter any problems, you should consult your doctor.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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