Uses of Conipa pure

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Conipa Pure contains the main active ingredient Zinc Gluconate. The drug is effective in treating people with zinc deficiency, acute and chronic diarrhea, malnutrition,...

1. What is Conipa pure?

Drug group: Conipa Pure drug belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins. Dosage form: The drug is packaged in the form of an oral solution Packing method: The medicine box includes 2 blisters, the box of 4 blisters, the box of 6 blisters, the box of 8 blisters x 5 plastic tubes x 10ml Ingredients of the drug: Each 10ml tube contains : Zinc Gluconate content 70mg (equivalent to zinc 10mg) and excipients just enough for 1 tube. Zinc (chemical symbol Zn) is a micronutrient that is very important for the growth and functioning of the human body. Zinc is called a micronutrient (or trace element) because it is an inorganic mineral that is supplemented daily in very small amounts. Zinc participates in the composition of more than 300 metabolic enzymes in the body, affecting most biological processes, especially the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and basic components of life. . These are components that participate in the immune system to help fight infections, especially respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
Zinc is abundant in animal meat, eggs, oysters, oysters, mussels.... However, in some people there is a high risk of zinc deficiency, specifically the following subjects:
Vegetarians Regular vegetarians or vegans will need 50% more zinc in their diets than non-vegetarians. People with digestive disorders, diarrhea. Women who are pregnant and lactating, older children are only breastfed. Alcoholics are either unable to absorb nutrients due to intestinal damage from drinking too much alcohol, or because more zinc is released in their urine. Zinc is often supplemented in the form of Zinc Gluconate salts. Some effects of Zinc Gluconate include:
Maintain comprehensive development for young children. Prevent many diseases. Improve sexual health. Hormonal balance for women. Control acne on the skin.

2. Effects of Conipa pure

Conipa pure drug preparations are used to supplement, prevent zinc deficiency or support the treatment of the following cases:
People with rickets, malnutrition, growth retardation in children. Pregnant women and lactating mothers. Diet, seriously ill patients need long-term parenteral nutrition. Patients with acute and chronic diarrhea. Gastrointestinal disturbances include anorexia, delayed digestion, mild constipation, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Recurrent infections of the respiratory, gastrointestinal or dermatological tracts. Dry skin, slow healing wounds such as burns, sores due to long-term treatment. Dry eyes, corneal ulcers or night blindness. Severe zinc deficiency is characterized by typical skin and mucosal lesions such as enteritis, atopic dermatitis, and nail dystrophy including wrinkled nails, white streaks, slow growth, dry eyes, and periorbital inflammation. spontaneous or diarrhea.

3. Usage and dosage of Conipa pure

3.1. How to use the drug Use Conipa pure orally. Drink directly before meals 1 hour or about 2 hours after eating. If signs of digestive symptoms occur, they can be taken with meals to overcome. 3.2. Therapeutic dose of the drug: The drug can be used as prescribed by the doctor or refer to the therapeutic dose below:
For children under 2 years old: Consult a pediatrician. For children from 2 to 6 years old: take 1 ampoule x 1-2 times/day. For children from 7-15 years old: take 2 ampoules x 1-2 times/day. For children from 16 years old and adults: take 2 ampoules x 2-3 times/day. 3.3. How to handle missed dose, overdose In case of missed dose: You need to continue taking it as soon as you remember. However, if the missed dose is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue as usual.
In case of overdose:
When taking zinc-containing products with prolonged high concentrations, copper deficiency will result due to decreased absorption. This leads to anemia due to a lack of red blood cells and neutropenia. Physicians may prescribe chelating agents (EDTAs) to eliminate serum zinc. In acute poisoning, zinc salts are gradually eroded by the formation of Zinc chloride from gastric acid. The doctor can treat it by drinking milk, alkaline carbonate or activated charcoal. However, zinc poisoning should be avoided by inducing vomiting or gastric lavage.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Conipa pure

During treatment with Conipa pure may encounter some side effects as follows:
Gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Stomach irritation or gastritis. If you see any of the above abnormal symptoms, you need to proactively notify your doctor for timely and proper treatment.

5. Conipa pure drug interactions

The absorption of zinc may be reduced when used simultaneously with products containing Iron, Phosphorus, Penicilamin, Tetracycline. Zinc reduces copper absorption. However, to ensure safety, you need to actively inform your doctor about all medicines, health foods you are using as well as any diseases you are having.

6. Some notes when using Conipa pure medicine

6.1. Conipa pure drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are sensitive or sensitive to any of the ingredients in the formula. People with liver failure, kidney failure. People with a history of kidney stones. 6.2. Use drugs with other special subjects Use on pregnant women and lactating mothers: Conipa Pure is used in zinc supplements, safe to treat pregnant and lactating women. However, when you are pregnant, you should still consult your doctor, absolutely follow the treatment dose of the doctor. People who drive and operate machinery: Some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach irritation, etc. may affect the ability to drive and use machines. Conipa Pure contains the main active ingredient Zinc Gluconate. The drug is effective in treating people with zinc deficiency, acute and chronic diarrhea, malnutrition,... To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need Follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist exactly.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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