Uses of Daflon

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Vaccolon has the effect of protecting veins and treating hemorrhoids. The following article will provide you with information about the ingredients, uses and uses of Vacoflon in the most effective way in the treatment process.

1. Uses and indications of Daflon

1.1. Drug composition The drug consists of 2 main ingredients Diosmin 450 mg; Hesperidin 50 mg
Diosmin is a flavonoid with antioxidant effects. Preparations containing natural or semi-synthetic flavonoids have the effect of enhancing capillary function. They are used to relieve weakened capillaries and veins in the lower extremities and to treat hemorrhoids.
In humans, after ingestion of substances containing diosmin marked with Carbon 14, showed:
The drug is extensively metabolised in the presence of various phenolic acids in the urine. Excreted mainly in the feces, the remainder (about 14% of the dose) is excreted in the urine. The half-life of the drug is about 11 hours. Effects:
Diosmin and hesperidin are flavonoid compounds that have the effect of increasing venous tone and protecting vessels. When these two components are combined, the drug prolongs the vasoconstrictor effect of noradrenalin on the venous wall. The drug acts on the vascular system returning to the heart by: Reducing the tone and stagnation of the veins. In the microcirculation, the drug reduces capillary permeability and increases capillary strength. 1.2. Indications Vacoflon Treatment of symptoms and signs of chronic idiopathic venous-lymphatic insufficiency of the lower extremities such as leg heaviness, leg pain, leg edema, nocturnal cramps and ferrets.
Treatment of symptoms of acute hemorrhoids and chronic hemorrhoids.
1.3. Contraindications Vacoflon Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Pregnant. Breastfeeding women.

2. Dosage and how to use Daflon

2.1. Dosage For each disease object, there will be different doses used to treat the disease effectively.
For people with Varicose veins - lymphatic vessels (swollen legs in the morning, leg pain) should use 2 tablets / day, one tablet at noon and one tablet in the evening. For patients with acute hemorrhoids should take 6 tablets / day for the first 4 days, then 4 tablets / day for the next 3 days. 2.2. How to use the drug Regardless of the patient's disease when using Vacoflon, it should be taken with a meal.

3. Attention when using Daflon

3.1. Precautions for acute hemorrhoids: This drug is not a substitute for specific treatment of other diseases of the anus. For short-term treatment. If symptoms do not go away quickly, an anal examination should be performed and treatment should be reviewed. There have been no reports of the drug causing harmful effects in humans. Breast-feeding is not recommended while taking this drug due to insufficient data on safety. There are no data on the effects of the drug on the ability to drive and use machines. 3.2. Drug side effects Drug side effects are usually mild and rare including gastrointestinal disturbances and autonomic disturbances, which do not require discontinuation of treatment. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if any unusual problems occur while taking the drug. Inform your doctor about any unwanted effects you may experience while taking the drug. With the sharing about the drug Vacoflon hopes to help the treatment process, using the drug in patients effectively, safely as well as having good effects during the treatment process.

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