Uses of Edafine

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Edafine is a hormone and endocrine medicine used under the advice of a doctor/pharmacist. Let's learn more about the drug Edafine works? How to use and note when using in the following article.

1. What is Edafine?

Edafine belongs to the group of prescription drugs, the list of hormone and endocrine drugs for men. Edafine drug is manufactured by ICA Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM, under registration number VD - 25083 - 16.
The main ingredient in Edafine is the active ingredient Sildenafil (in the form of Sildenafil citrate) content. 50mg. Edafine is packaged in a box of 1 blister x 3 film-coated tablets. White Edafine pill box, purple background.

2. What are the effects of Edafine?

Edafine contains the active ingredient Sildenafil - a selective inhibitor of the guanosine ring - monophosphate (c.GMP) - phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Edafine is used to enhance the ability to pump blood to the cavernous bodies in the penis of men. Thereby helping to expand the penis, increase the length and size during sex.
When the blood pumped to the penis increases, in addition to the excitement and stimulation of sexual activity will make the erection increase, maintain for a longer time. Edafine itself is not an aphrodisiac, so it is safe for the health of the user.
Mechanism of action of Edafine is inhibition (PDE5) - an enzyme that destroys GMPc. Thereby, preventing the destruction of GMPc, allowing it to accumulate longer, maintain blood in the penis, help the penis maintain an erection.

3. Indications for the use of Edafine

Edafine is indicated in male subjects with erectile dysfunction. The drug is only effective when combined with sexual stimulation.

4. Dosage, how to use Edafine

Edafine is a prescription drug, so when using it, it must be under the guidance of a doctor / pharmacist.
Reference Edafine dosage:
According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the dose of Edafine is 1 tablet/day. Depending on the response ability of each case, the doctor may appoint an increase in the dose when taking Edafine 2 tablets / time or adjust the dose down to 1⁄2 tablets / time. For subjects who are elderly or have abnormalities in liver function, the dose of Edafine is 1⁄2 tablets / time. Subjects are taking Protease inhibitors, the dose of Edafine is 1⁄2 tablets in 48 hours. How to use Edafine:
Edafine is available in film-coated tablets. Therefore, you take orally with boiled water to cool at least 30 minutes before sex. Edafine is effective from 30 minutes to 4 hours after use.

5. Contraindications to the use of Edafine

Edafine is not used for the following target groups:
Children; Women; Coronary artery disease ; Cerebrovascular disease; Allergy to the ingredients contained in Edafine; Using organic nitrate salt.

6. Interactions with other drugs

Possible interactions when Edafine is used concurrently with the following drugs::
Cimetidine; Erythromycin ; Ketoconazole ; Itraconazole; Ritonavir; Saquinavir; Cytochrome P450 3A4; Magnesium hydroxide; Aluminum hydroxide. To ensure safety for your health, please inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking when prescribed Edafine.

7. Edafine drug side effects

When taking Edafine you may also experience side effects including:
Allergies; Increased heart rate; Vomit; Dry mouth; Increased blood sugar ; Increased blood urea; Reflex hypoglycaemia; Increased tone; Reduced reflexes; Dry eyes; Increased intraocular pressure. Monitor and tell your doctor about side effects when taking Edafine.

8. Warnings and cautions when using Edafine

Some subjects need to be cautious when using Edafine, including:
Myocardial infarction; Stroke; Arrhythmia; Heart disease; Low blood pressure; High Blood Pressure; Retinitis ; Deformed genitals; Bone marrow pain; Leukemia disease. If using Edafine and having an erection for more than 4 hours, go to a medical facility for advice and appropriate treatment.
Above is information about uses, doses and precautions when using Edafine. To ensure safety for health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take Edafine exactly as directed by their doctor. Note, Edafine is a prescription drug, and patients are absolutely not allowed to use it without a prescription from a specialist.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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