Uses of Gilan comfort medicine

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Quite popular in ophthalmology is Gilan comfort eye drops. The product is suitable for office workers, working a lot with computers, air conditioners and phones or in harsh environments related to dust, smoke, and high temperatures. Let's find out why this product is recommended by so many ophthalmologists?

1. What is Gilan comfort?

Gilan comfort 0.18% has the main ingredient is Sodium Hyaluronate (also known as artificial tears), packaged in the form of eye drops. Sodium Hyaluronate is a sterile solution with the effect of increasing elasticity, creating viscosity and retaining water on the surface of the conjunctiva and cornea, thereby helping to reduce the feeling of dry eyes or ophthalmic diseases.
Ingredients in 1 ampule of Gilan comfort 0.18% include: Sodium hyaluronate 1.8mg, Dibasic sodium phosphate, Sorbitol, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, potassium chloride and enough distilled water 1 single dose tube of 0.4ml capacity.
Sodium hyaluronate is a natural polymer. This polymer has a structure similar to that of the human eye, its special properties are good elasticity, viscosity, very similar to mucus, and the ability to hold water. Thanks to this composition, Gilan - Comfort obtains the necessary viscosity and high adhesive properties for eyes.
On the other hand, the physicochemical nature of sodium hyaluronate is also utilized in topical application, acting as a "carrier", helping to increase the absorption of other biomolecules into epithelial cells to increase the therapeutic effect. treatment in place. This effect varies depending on the health of the skin and the molecular weight and source of the sodium hyaluronate used. Because of this variability, sodium hyaluronate is formulated in a variety of forms and concentrations for use in ophthalmic surgery such as lens replacement, corneal transplantation, glaucoma surgery, retinal detachment, and retinal detachment. especially important in the treatment of dry eyes. During surgery on the anterior half of the eyeball, the injection of sodium hyaluronate helps maintain anterior chamber depth by creating viscosity to limit the amount of water escaping, reducing damage to the corneal epithelial cells and other tissues. surrounding tissue, while creating pressure to push the vitreous backward, preventing complications after surgery. An additional value in ophthalmology is the creation of a transparent medium to facilitate visualization during surgery and laser retinal photocoagulation.
When you rub your eyes with Gilan - Comfort solution, it will create a film that evenly covers the surface of the conjunctiva and cornea, helping to reduce the evaporation of the tear film and help the blink of the eye. The eyelids are more favorable, thereby limiting most of the discomfort, because of dry eyes and diseases at the surface of the eyeball.
Sodium hyaluronate also has moisturizing effects, quickly heals wounds in the cornea due to increased epithelial regeneration, proliferation of epithelial cells and stimulation of migration. The damage to the surface of the eyeball is also improved.
Immediately after applying the solution, the effect of the coating will be promoted, helping to protect the eyes when subjected to adverse conditions (working for a long time with the computer, using the phone a lot, sitting in the air-conditioned room for a long time). , polluted working environment, high temperature, smoke, dust,...).
In addition, Gilan - Comfort is quite similar to natural tears due to its similar composition, so it has the effect of preventing dry eyes and treating damage to the eyeball.

2. Uses of Gilan comfort

2.1 Indications of Gilan comfort Gilan comfort is used in the treatment of dry eye disease, Sjogren's syndrome, Stevens Johnson syndrome, ocular surface damage due to traumatic conjunctivitis, traumatic keratitis trauma and after surgery of conjunctiva - cornea, including surgery to treat refractive errors, entropion, pterygium... (due to the effect of sodium hyaluronate is to keep moisture, increase regeneration of conjunctiva - cornea after surgery. hurt).
Used for people who regularly use contact lenses, use eye drops with preservatives, or antibiotics - anti-inflammatory, people who use anti-glaucoma drugs for a long time to treat some eye diseases.
Partially limit the impact of the environment that affects the eyes (phones, computers, air conditioners, smoke, high temperature, dust,...). The elderly (about 75% of the population suffers from dry eye when they are over 65 years old).
2.2 Contraindications of Gilan comfort Any patient who is allergic or has a history of allergy to Sodium hyaluronate or excipients contained in the ingredients of Gilan comfort 0.18% should not use the drug.
2.3 Unexpected side effects of Gilan comfort The drug is quite benign, so there are very few side effects. The most common is a feeling of slight discomfort when applying the medicine There are also cases of temporary blurred vision after taking the medicine. Drug investigation These side effects will go away without any medical attention. 2.4 Precautions for taking Gilan comfort Because the side effects of the drug cause transient blurred vision, it is best not to investigate. drugs while driving or operating machinery.
When using Gilan comfort 0.18% with other ophthalmic drugs, eye drops should be administered separately and at least 5 minutes apart.
Do not mix Gilan comfort 0.18% with other drugs to prevent drug interactions.

3. How to use Gilan comfort 0.18%

gilan comfort 0.18% eye drops are packaged in mL/vial: this is considered an important standard for eye drops in terms of sterility to ensure that the eyes are not damaged. infection during use and at the same time no irritation reduces the effectiveness of drug application. Gilan comfort eye drops are packaged in a 0.4 mL ampoule that reduces the number of times the lid is opened to use eye drops, thereby reducing the risk of infection when used repeatedly.
The recommended time to use from opening the bottle cap is very short, only about 1 to 2 days.
This minimizes the waste compared to eye drops that are packaged 10 to 30ml, the large capacity makes the bottle only half used after opening the lid, moreover, opening the bottle a lot again increasing the risk of bacterial contamination of the vial.
The design of Gilan comfort 0.18 eye drops is improved with a lid that can be opened manually without the use of scissors, which is very convenient for use.
How to use:
Wash hands with antiseptic soap Separate the solution tube from the blister, use clean hands to break the tip of the tube (turn the end of the tube to open the cap to break off the body of the vial). Apply Gilan Comfort solution to the eyes 1-2 drops each time, 3-4 times a day or use as prescribed by the doctor. Note: Do not use a knife or scissors to cut the tip of the tube to avoid infection of the solution tube. After checking, cap the tube to protect the solution, the opened solution tube should only be used within one day.
The above dosage is for reference only. The specific dose depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose, you need to consult your doctor or healthcare professional.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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