Uses of Gomlami

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Gomlami belongs to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral and antifungal drugs. Currently, the drug is prescribed for use in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver transplantation... The use of the drug must be prescribed by a doctor to achieve the highest therapeutic effect.

1. Composition and uses of Gomlami

The main ingredients of the drug Gomlami include:
Lamivudine 100mg; Excipients are sufficient according to the content; The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, film-coated, boxed with 1 blister x 10 tablets; 2 blisters x 10 tablets or 3 blisters x 10 tablets. With the above ingredients and active ingredients, Gomlami is indicated for the following conditions: Chronic hepatitis B, elevated serum ALT liver enzymes, immunosuppression, compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, liver disease inflammation... Depending on the medical condition, age and current health, the doctor will consider the dose to best suit the patient.
Currently, Gomlami can be used for both adults and children.

2. Dosage of Gomlami

Patients can refer to the following dosage:
Adults and children over 12 years old:
Recommended dose: 100mg x 1 time / day. Children under 12 years:
Dosage 3mg/kg x 1 time/day, (maximum 100mg/day) Refer to recommended dosage:
HIV infection :
Adults and adolescents 16 years and older:
Weight ≥ 50kg: 150mg Lamivudine and 300mg Zidovudine, every 12 hours. Weight < 50 kg: 2mg Lamivudine/kg body weight and 4mg Zidovudine/kg body weight, every 12 hours. Adolescents 12 years old and up to 16 years old:
Weight ≥ 50kg: 150mg Lamivudine and 300mg Zidovudine, every 12 hours. Weight < 50 kg: There are insufficient data to guide the dose. Children from 3 months to 12 years: 4mg Lamivudine/kg every 12 hours, up to a maximum dose of 300mg Lamivudine per day. Dosage for treatment of chronic hepatitis B:
Adults: 100mg, once a day. Children over 2 years old: 3mg/kg, once a day, up to 100mg/day. Patients with renal impairment: The dose must be reduced as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. The above dosage is for reference only. Before taking the drug, patients should consult a doctor and use it as prescribed to get the best treatment effect.

3. Gomlami overdose and missed dose should be handled like?

Gomlami is on the list of prescription drugs, so to achieve high effectiveness in treatment, patients should take the drug in the right amount and at the right dose as indicated. When forgetting or overdosing occurs, it should be handled according to the following instructions:
Missed dose: Use Gomlami as soon as you remember if the time to forget is not too long. In case the time for the missed dose is too long, it is almost time for the next dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose as usual. Absolutely do not make up the dose of Gomlami. Drug overdose: When determining an overdose of Gomlami, you should immediately discuss with your doctor, pharmacist for advice on how to handle. In addition, during this time, if the body shows unusual reactions, it is necessary to go to the nearest medical facility for timely examination. Because an overdose is a dangerous case, it can be life-threatening if not treated early. In the process of taking Gomlami for treatment, patients should minimize the case of missed dose, overdose. If this happens often, it may make the treatment time longer and not achieve the desired treatment results.

4. Possible side effects when taking Gomlami

Some patients in the process of using Gomlami may appear mild to severe side effects with common manifestations such as:
Common: Headache, insomnia, irritability, people with cold fatigue, dizziness, depression, anorexia, abdominal pain and indigestion... Uncommon: In rare cases, pancreatitis, thrombocytopenia and hyperbilirubinemia may occur. When experiencing side effects, the thing to do is to inform your doctor or pharmacist about your current health condition to understand the situation as well as offer an appropriate treatment plan. In special cases, the patient may need to stop taking the drug or change to another product with a similar effect.
Besides, to minimize possible side effects, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
Gomlami should not be used by people who are sensitive to any of the ingredients of the drug. Gomlami should only be used at the right dose, in the right amount, without arbitrarily increasing or decreasing the dose without a doctor's prescription. People with liver and kidney failure should be careful when using Gomlami. Do not combine multiple antibiotics during this time. Minimize drinking alcohol, beer, use of alcohol, stimulant drinks while taking Gomlami medicine. Young children and the elderly are subject to frequent side effects, so be very careful when using Gomlami. It is strictly forbidden to use Gomlami for pregnant and lactating women. Because the ingredients in the drug can affect the development of the baby as well as the fetus. Another small note is that after stopping Lamivudin, patients are at risk of relapse of chronic hepatitis B. Therefore, periodic clinical monitoring and serum liver function tests should be assessed at 4-month intervals for evidence of recurrent viral hepatitis.
The above is information about the use of Gomlami, before using, patients should carefully read the instructions and consult their doctors and pharmacists. Using the right medication in the right dose and direction will bring the best treatment results for the patient.

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