Uses of Hakovinaton

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Hakovinaton is a domestic medicinal product manufactured by Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company 3. When taking Hakovinaton, if the patient experiences side effects or allergies, please consult a doctor or specialist immediately. medical.

1. What is Hakovinaton?

Hakovinaton is a herbal medicine in the form of hard capsules. The main ingredient of Hakovinaton is dried Ginkgo biloba (equivalent to 17.6mg - 21.6mg of total Flavonoid) content 80mg. Hakovinaton is manufactured by TW3 Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM and circulated on the market with registration number VD-26302-17

2. What are the effects of dried Ginkgo biloba in Hakovinaton?

According to Oriental medicine, Ginkgo tree seeds are also known as Ngan Hanh, Ginkgo biloba has been used for a long time in traditional Eastern medicine. Ginkgo has a bitter sweet taste, a warm nature, a beneficial effect on gas (white color belongs to the needles in the lungs), relieves asthma (coughs and asthma), and flushes urine. If using raw ginkgo seeds, it has the effect of eliminating phlegm, detoxifying alcohol, and disinfecting. Ginkgo flowers often bloom at night, belonging to yin, ginkgo flowers are mildly toxic, so they have very good antiseptic properties. The use of Ginkgo leaves was first recorded in the Annals of Yunnan Manuscripts published in 1436, according to which Ginkgo leaves were used externally to treat ulcers, internally to treat diarrhea. , good for the heart and lungs.
Effects of dried Ginkgo biloba:
Improve cerebral blood circulation, also improve peripheral circulation; Improve user's vestibular and hearing function; Antagonism of platelet activating factor; Antioxidant, helps the body eliminate free radicals. Local anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces smooth muscle spasm thereby giving an analgesic effect on cramps. In addition, dried Ginkgo biloba can also inhibit some bacteria.

3. Indications to use Hakovinaton when?

Hakovinaton is indicated in the following conditions:
Hakovinaton is used for people with memory impairment, poor concentration, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, especially common in the elderly; Hakovinaton drug improves cerebral circulatory insufficiency; Use Hakovinaton to treat tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss; Treatment of intermittent claudication; Hakovinaton is also used in some cases of retinal ischemia; Hakovinaton is indicated in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Contraindications to Hakovinaton:
Do not use Hakovinaton for children < 12 years old; Contraindicated for use in pregnant and lactating women; Allergic to ginkgo extract contained in the drug Hakovinaton .

4. Dosage - how to take Hakovinaton

Adults: take 1 tablet of Hakovinaton x 1-2 times/day. Hakovinaton can be taken orally, during or after meals.

5. Side effects of the drug Hakovinaton

Side effects of Hakovinaton mild and rare, usually due to long-term use can be listed as follows: digestive disorders, headaches, skin allergies, can prolong the bleeding time of the patient.
Precautions when using Hakovinaton : Blood clotting disorder or taking anticoagulants .
Ginkgo leaves and Ginkgo leaf extracts are considered safe and proven through extensive clinical trials. However, ginkgo leaves may have an effect on blood clotting so patients taking anticoagulants should consult their doctor before taking Ginkgo preparations.
Stop taking Ginkgo at least 3 days before surgery and should not be used in pregnant women because this preparation can increase the risk of bleeding, miscarriage.

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