Uses of Kogimin

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In the drug Kogimin contains many vitamins such as A, D3, B1, B2 ... and minerals. Kogimin drug main use is used in cases of malnutrition, poor absorption or high demand for use.

1. What is Kogimin?

Kogimin drug belongs to the group of vitamins and minerals, researched and manufactured at Mediplantex Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. The main use of the drug is to supplement vitamins and minerals for the body.
Kogimin is prepared in the form of soft capsules, packaged in a box of 12 blisters, blisters of 5 tablets. Each capsule contains the following ingredients:
Vitamin A 1250 IU. Vitamin D3 250 IU. Vitamin B1 5mg. Vitamin B2 2mg. Vitamin B6 2mg. Vitamin C 50mg. Vitamin PP 18mg. Vitamin B12 3mcg. Folic Acid 200 mcg. Calcium Pantothenate 5mg. Iron Fumarate 60.68mg. Calcium Lactate 147.3mg. Copper Sulfate 1.02mg. Potassium Iodine 0.0235mg. Excipients are enough for 1 capsule.

2. What are the uses of Kogimin?

2.1. The main effect of the ingredients in the drug Vitamin A
This is a fat-soluble vitamin and is essential for the eyes. Acts as an oxidant, prevents macular degeneration, helps to improve eyesight. Prevent infection, strengthen immunity and prevent disease. Treat acne, effectively prevent wrinkle formation. Vitamin D3
Acts as a conductor to help calcium be transported to its destination easily. From there, build strong bone structure, prevent osteoporosis. Cancer prevention. Boost immunity. Helps regenerate skin. Vitamin B group:
is a very important vitamin for the body and is water soluble. Helps create energy for activities in the body. Vitamin B group helps to improve the immune system, firm skin. Support anemia or cardiovascular disease. Calcium Pantothenate, Calcium Lactate:
This is the main component in the structure of bones and teeth. Helps reduce bone pain, strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis in adults. Support to increase height and increase immunity in young children. Other minerals
Participate in cell structure, helping the body's activities take place easily. Supports the development of muscles, bones and the nervous system. 2.2. Indications for use of Kogimin Kogimin is used in the following cases:
In case of vitamin and mineral deficiency due to malnutrition, malabsorption or increased demand for use. Visual impairment, dry eyes, night blindness. Having acne; Dry skin, hair and nails. Heals burns and wounds. Children are growing, retarded, malnourished. Pregnant. Women are breastfeeding. Elderly. People who are tired, debilitated, lacking in substance, people who have just woken up sick. People who are deficient in substances due to drinking alcohol, beer and smoking.

3. Dosage and how to use Kogimin

Kogimin medicine is made in the form of capsules indicated for oral use. Patients should take the medicine in the morning after eating.
Before using the drug, the patient should carefully read the dosage instructions and can refer to the following dosage:
Adults and children over 5 years old: Take 1-2 Kogimin tablets/day Pregnant women and children. Breast-feeding: Take 1 Kogimin tablet/day or as directed by a physician Children under 5 years old: Kogimin should not be used, should consult a qualified medical professional to use appropriate dosage forms.

4. What to do when overdose, forget dose when taking Kogimin?

In case of missed dose:
The patient should take up the dose as soon as he remembers If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the dose as scheduled. Do not double the dose of Kogimin. Cases of overdose:
Currently, there are no reports of cases of overdose, high dose. If unusual symptoms appear while taking the drug, stop using it and notify your doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Contraindications to taking Kogimin

Kogimin drug is not used in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity or history of allergy to any of the excipients in the drug formula. Patients with hypercalcemia, urinary calcium, lipid absorption disorders, kidney stones. There are allergies (asthma, eczema), heart disease, malignancy. The body has an excess of vitamin A and iron. Have severe kidney or liver failure.

6. Side effects of Kogimin

Kogimin is well absorbed, patients rarely experience side effects when using it. Occurs only when the patient takes high doses. However, patients experiencing any unusual symptoms, should stop using Kogimin and go to the nearest medical address for timely treatment.

7. Note when using Kogimin for treatment

When using Kogimin, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:
Kogimin can be used by pregnant and lactating women. However, patients need to follow the instructions of a medical professional to avoid possible overdose. People who drive and operate machinery are not affected when using Kogimin Do not use Kogimin after the expiration date printed on the package or in any doubt about the quality. No overdose specified. Do not take medicine while lying down. Kogimin contains many vitamins such as A, D3, B1, B2 ... and minerals. Kogimin drug main use is used in cases of malnutrition, poor absorption or high demand for use. To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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