Uses of Lazilipi

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Lazilipi is a drug belonging to the group of blood lipid disorders, often used when prescribed by a specialist doctor. The following article will help readers know the necessary information related to this drug.

1. What is Lazilipi?

Lazilipi is a medicine containing the main ingredient is Fenofibrate. This is a derivative of fibric acid, which has the ability to reduce blood lipids. Using the drug can reduce blood cholesterol by 20 to 25% and reduce blood triglycerides by 40 to 50%.
Regarding the mechanism of action, the drug has the ability to reduce low-density lipoprotein (VLDL and LDL), support to improve the distribution of cholesterol in the blood plasma with the ability to reduce the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol. In addition, fenofibrate can also increase HDL cholesterol by 20-60% until the target concentration of 40 mg/dL is reached and lower LDL cholesterol.
Lazilipi can also reduce Triglycerides and small, dense LDL by activating transcription factor PPARα, Fenofibrate to increase lipolysis and stimulate the filtration of Triglyceride-rich Lipoprotein particles. In addition, Lazilipi is effective in excreting uric acid in urine and reducing blood uric acid by an average of 30%.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Indications With the above effect, Lazilipi is indicated for use in the following cases:
Adjuvant treatment of hypercholesterolemia (type IIa) and endogenous hypertriglyceridemia (type IV) alone or in combination (type IIb) and III) in adults. Commonly used in patients who have followed an appropriate and consistent diet but are still high in blood cholesterol or have several associated risk factors. Supportive treatment of persistent secondary hyperlipoproteinemia despite treatment of the cause but not effective. 2.2. Contraindications Patients absolutely do not use Lazilipi in the following cases:
There is a history of allergy to any ingredient of Lazilipi drug. Liver failure, severe kidney failure or gallbladder disease. People with acute and chronic pancreatitis. The patient has had an allergic reaction to light when using Fibrate or Ketoprofen. Children or people with creatinine clearance < 60 ml/min.

3. Dosage and usage

Lazilipi drug should be used in combination with a diet, taking the drug at the main meal with the recommended dose as follows:
Adults: Use with a dose of 3 tablets of 100g/day; Children > 10 years: Use with a maximum dose of 5mg/kg/day.

4. Drug interactions

Lazilipi has the potential to interact with oral anticoagulants. Therefore, users should pay attention to avoid using these two drugs together.

5. Side effects

The use of Lazilipi can cause digestive disorders leading to indigestion, nausea, mild diarrhea, temporary elevation of liver enzymes, signs of skin allergies, muscle pain.
If experiencing these symptoms, the patient should stop using Lazilipi and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

6. Precautions while using Lazilipi

Before using Lazilipi to treat the disease, it is necessary to check the patient's liver and kidney function. After 3-6 months of taking the drug, if blood lipid levels do not decrease, an additional or alternative treatment must be considered. When using Lazilipi, the elevation of blood transaminases is usually temporary. Therefore, patients should systematically check transaminases every 3 months for the first 12 months of treatment as well as discontinue treatment if ASAT and ALAT rise above 3 times the upper limit of normal. In case of combination with fenofibrate with oral anticoagulant, the patient should strengthen monitoring of blood prothrombin levels, pay attention to adjust anticoagulant dose accordingly during treatment with fenofibrate and after about 8 days from when stopping treatment with this drug. People with cholestatic cirrhosis or gallstones may develop biliary complications. Above is all information about Lazilipi drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Lazilipi is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy drugs and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.

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