Uses of Nidal-Flex 50

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Nidal-Flex 50 is a drug belonging to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and osteoarthritis, indicated in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease. . Follow along with the article to better understand Nidal-Flex 50 and the uses of Nidal-Flex 50.

1. What is Nidal-Flex 50?

Nidal-Flex 50 is a drug belonging to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines for the treatment of Gout and Osteoarthritis.
Ingredients of Nidal-Flex 50 include:
Diacerein 50 mg. Diacerein is an anti-osteoarthritis drug with anti-inflammatory effects for the treatment of osteoarthritis, degenerative joint diseases and related diseases, well tolerated in the stomach, because the component Diacerein does not inhibit Prostaglandin synthesis. Excipients and other active ingredients are enough for 1 pill.

2. Uses of Nidal-Flex 50

Nidal-Flex 50 has the following effects:
Symptomatic treatment for patients with osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis of the knee, hip with slow treatment time. Treatment with Nidal-Flex is not recommended for patients with rapidly progressive osteoarthritis because these patients may have delayed efficacy with the drug.

3. How to use, dose of Nidal-Flex 50

How to use:
Take the medicine with the main meals (one tablet in the morning and the other in the evening). The drug must be swallowed whole (without breaking it) with a glass of water.
Dosage and time of taking the drug for each specific case as prescribed by the treating doctor.
Usual dosage : 1 tablet x 2 times / day in 2 main meals for a long time.
Treatment should be started with 1 tablet/day in the evening for 2 weeks, as Diacerein can rapidly increase the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines during the first 2 weeks of treatment then increase the dose to 2 tablets/day.
Beneficial effects are observed after 2-4 weeks of treatment, so it is advisable that patients do not discontinue treatment before the effect of the drug is evident.
Because of its slow onset of action (after 2-4 weeks of treatment) and very good gastrointestinal tolerability, Diacerein can be combined with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or analgesic for 2-4 weeks of treatment. first value.
In patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 30ml/min), the daily dose should be halved.

4. Contraindications to the use of Nidal-Flex 50

Patients with hypersensitivity to diacerein or any of the ingredients.
The patient is suffering from liver disease or has a history of liver disease.

5. Nidal-Flex 50 . side effects

Stimulates rapid increase in intestinal transit time and colic. These symptoms may appear within the first few days of treatment and, in most cases, they resolve on their own with continued treatment.
Diarrhea: Taking Nidal-Flex 50 regularly can cause diarrhea, which in turn leads to dehydration and hypokalemia. When this symptom occurs, the patient should stop taking the drug for diarrhea and talk to the treating doctor about alternative treatment.

6. Handling of missed dose or overdose of Nidal-Flex 50

Missed dose: If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Do not take double the prescribed dose.
Overdose: If there are abnormal symptoms when overdose, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor or medical person for timely handling.

7. Other notes about the drug Nidal-Flex 50

Pregnant women: Nidal-Flex 50 is not recommended during pregnancy. Lactation: Nidal-Flex 50 is not recommended for nursing mothers because there are no studies on the pharmacokinetics of the drug in nursing mothers. Nidal-Flex 50 should not be used in children: Diacerein is not recommended for use in children under 15 years of age, the pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug in children have not been studied. Nidal-Flex 50 should be used with caution in patients 65 years of age and older. Above is important information about Nidal-Flex 50. Reading the instructions carefully before use helps bring better treatment results to patients.

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