Uses of Opecalcium Plus

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Opecalcium Plus belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins, in the form of long film-coated tablets. The drug has the main ingredients are Calcium gluconate and vitamin D3, packaged in a box of 1 bottle of 200 tablets. Knowing what Opecalcium is, its uses, dosage and side effects will help improve treatment outcomes for patients.

1. Indications of the drug Opecalcium Plus

Opecalcium Plus is indicated for:
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in people at high risk, especially women; Treatment of bone and joint diseases such as: Rickets, osteomalacia, Scheuermann's disease and acute/chronic bone loss; Calcium and vitamin D3 supplements for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women; Support treatment for people on hemodialysis.

2. Contraindications of the drug Opecalcium Plus

Opecalcium Plus is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to components and excipients in Scheuermann's disease; Patients with hypercalcemia or calciumuria.

3. Dosage and how to use Opecalcium Plus

How to use: Opecalcium Plus is taken orally, with 1 glass of water, after eating.
Dosage: Usual dose for adults and children: From 1-2 tablets/day.
Note: The above Opecalcium Plus dosage is for reference only. The specific dose of Opecalcium Plus depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Opecalcium Plus, patients should consult their doctor or healthcare professional.
How to deal with Opecalcium Plus missed dose or overdose:
In case of Opecalcium Plus missed dose, supplement should be made as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose of Opecalcium Plus and use a new dose; When using Opecalcium Plus drug overdose, the patient should stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Opecalcium Plus drug interactions

Opecalcium Plus may have an interaction reaction if used concomitantly with Tetracycline drugs. If a combination is required, the patient should take the two drugs 3 hours apart. In addition, to avoid interactions, before being prescribed Opecalcium Plus, patients should inform their doctors about all the drugs they are using, including over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. The doctor will base it on that to prescribe the appropriate Opecalcium Plus.
During the use of Opecalcium Plus, patients should also pay attention to periodic health checks and list their entire medical history to the doctor. Based on the information provided, the patient will be advised in detail about Opecalcium Plus and the risks of possible interactions.

5. Opecalcium Plus side effects

Opecalcium Plus has a high level of safety and is less likely to have unwanted side effects. However, taking Opecalcium Plus in high doses or for a long time can cause unwanted effects such as:
Constipation; Perspire; Face flushed; Low blood pressure . In general, the effects of Opecalcium Plus are usually mild and moderate. However, serious side effects of Opecalcium Plus can still occur, so patients should not be subjective. If you experience these symptoms, stop using Opecalcium Plus and notify your doctor for appropriate treatment.

6. Precautions when using Opecalcium Plus

Use caution when using Opecalcium Plus in cases of mild increase in urinary calcium, chronic renal failure or symptoms of calcium accumulation in the kidneys. Urinary calcium levels should be monitored during treatment with Opecalcium Plus. Absolutely do not use when Quinacar 5mg has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is basic information about Opecalcium Plus' ingredients, uses, dosage and unwanted side effects. In order to improve the effectiveness of treatment for themselves and their families, users should carefully read the instructions for use contained in the box of Opecalcium Plus and follow the instructions of the treating doctor or pharmacist.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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